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About That Kissinger Quote Neil Gorsuch Likes…

A joke? Who was it that said the use of jokes “points the way to their future uses”? It’s Götterdämmerung time.

Greg Grandin


Everything Donald Trump Did in His Second Week as President

A botched military raid in Yemen, a 2-for-1 regulatory gimmick, and the appointment of a new deputy director at the CIA who oversaw torture. 

Zoë Carpenter and George Zornick
Mental Health

Donald Trump’s Power Is Scary, Not His Mental Health

Psychiatrists are speaking out to warn of the dangers of Trump’s instability, but politicizing mental health is a mistake.

Miriam Markowitz

Words in the Age of Trump

Along with a new president, Americans are confronted with coming to grips with a new vocabulary.

Leslie Savan
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From the Magazine

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Tracking the Trump Administration

Stop With the Conspiracy Theories—Trump Is Bad Enough

It takes a hefty dose of indifference to be less concerned about something actually happening than about a plot “potentially” unfolding in the shadows.

Aaron Maté

Leaked Draft of Trump’s Religious Freedom Order Reveals Sweeping Plans to Legalize Discrimination

If signed, the order would create wholesale exemptions for people and organizations who claim religious objections to same-sex marriage, premarital sex, abortion, and trans identity.

Sarah Posner

An Actual American War Criminal May Become Our Second-Ranking Diplomat

Elliott Abrams spent the Reagan years abetting genocide—now, he has been floated as Trump’s deputy secretary of state.

Eric Alterman


Republicans Stole a Supreme Court Seat From Obama—and Are Putting Another Scalia In It

Neil Gorsuch will help Trump wage war on voting rights.

Ari Berman

Why We Support Keith Ellison for DNC Chair

He will address the party’s—and the nation’s—crisis by aligning Democrats more closely with movements for social and economic justice.

The Nation

Senate Democrats Can Block Trump’s Supreme Court Pick

If Democrats can hold onto 41 of their 48 votes, they can postpone a final floor vote indefinitely.

William Yeomans
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the resistance

Yemeni Bodega Owners Strike to Say ‘We Are America’

Among the thousands who gathered in Brooklyn were many whose families had been directly affected by Trump’s immigration bans.

Julianne Hing

Protests Are Putting Trump on Notice: You’re in for a Fight

The opposition isn’t going to sit idly by while Trump demonizes immigrants and violates the Constitution.

Mark Hertsgaard

New York’s Immigrants Aren’t Done With Trump

Are the outspoken protests by working-class immigrants the beginning of a powerful new front against Trump?

Michelle Chen


Kerry James Marshall’s Enigmatic Authority

It seems a mistake to call him a realist in any but the loosest sense.

Barry Schwabsky

Adam Thirlwell on the Many Moods of Henry Green

For the English novelist, life itself was a deadly business.

Adam Thirlwell

Jane Jacobs’s Radical Vision of Humanity

For the great urbanist and social critic, the planning of cities was always an ad hoc affair.

Rebecca Tuhus-Dubrow
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Watch and Listen

View: Photos of Resistance: Inside the DC Women’s March

Over 500,000 people flooded the streets of the nation’s capital to protest everything President Trump stands for.

January 22, 2017

Watch: Homeless in the Shadow of Santa Barbara’s Mansions

For hundreds of families, home is a car in a quiet parking lot.

December 20, 2016

View: These Photos Show the People Who Turn a Cotton Plant Into Your Jeans

Following the path of cotton from Burkina Faso to Bangladesh to your local mall.

December 12, 2016
