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2nd October 2016 🖤⚪💙🦈💙⚪🖤

Sydney, Australia
Se unió en febrero de 2011
Fecha de nacimiento 01 de octubre


Bloqueaste a @a_lul38

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  1. Tweet fijado
    3 oct. 2016

    33 years, 1 day, 17 hours. Worth every god damn minute of the wait.

  2. 3 jun.

    it's easier to warm up than it is to cool down

  3. 2 jun.

    The 60 year old woman, high on cannabis who mowed down my old man (55yo) is walking the streets, drinking coffee locally and socialising. He's asleep on the lounge, cant tell them time and is on a nursing home waitlist. The system is fucked - I wish you all the best Lorraine.

  4. 2 jun.
  5. 1 jun.
  6. 31 may.

    Great work by all players that attended and 🥰 SJ

  7. 31 may.

    People that order takeaway then proceed to eat the food in the restaurant

  8. 31 may.

    Such a shane there's no footy on this weekend.... 😜

  9. 30 may.

    When the fuck did we become so Americanised about the anthem? The only time I sing the anthem is for memorial events, not before sports event ffs. Forced patriotism is gross, I love where I live but we can still aim up

  10. 28 may.

    Thank fuck my mum called this morning, I was convinced it was Thursday and hadn't even gotten out of bed yet!

  11. 28 may.

    Taken my shoes off in the vain attempt to freeze my feet off

  12. 27 may.

    Just a reminder We won the trade

  13. 27 may.

    Spent 5 mins playing with a slinky with a 2 year old, god damn adorable giggles filled my heart

  14. 26 may.

    Am I a bit ridiculous for thinking Maloney may actually have a blinder for Penrith next week as a bit of a FU for not being selected given Cleary still was?

  15. 26 may.
  16. 25 may.

    Ooo 3/6

  17. 25 may.

    Truth! Justice! Freedom! and a hard boiled egg!

  18. 24 may.

    Getting the side of the head cut down again 😁 may go a 1

  19. 24 may.

    I NEED to see the footage of what got Klemmer binned

  20. 24 may.

    Just got out of Aladdin, NO ONE is ever going to replace Robin Williams. That being said, I still thoroughly enjoyed the movie.

  21. 23 may.

    Wonder why this was brought it 🤔


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