ACLU NationalOverený účet


The American Civil Liberties Union is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, legal and advocacy organization devoted to protecting the rights of everyone in America.

All 50 states
Na Twitteri od február 2008
Narodený 19. januára 1920

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  1. Pripnutý Tweet
    29. 1.

    Stand up. Fight back.

  2. pred 15 hodinami

    All international laws Trump's is breaking by

  3. pred 13 hodinami

    Gavin Grimm is suiting up for the Supreme Court and we're ready to in the struggle for transgender rights

  4. pred 14 hodinami
  5. pred 14 hodinami

    The Alaskri family begins their new life in America after an exception to the Muslim ban was made for Iraqis who worked for the US military.

  6. pred 15 hodinami

    We’ll See You in Court: Why Trump’s Executive Order on Refugees Violates the Establishment Clause

  7. pred 20 hodinami

    There was an audible gasp in the EDVA courtroom when govt lawyer Erez Reuveni said 100k+ visas were revoked by Trump EO

  8. pred 16 hodinami

    Racial disparities in student arrests in 43 of 50 states? School policing is unjust and undermines education.

  9. pred 16 hodinami

    Please give a warm welcome to Twitter to , the ACLU attorney who argued the case this Saturday.

  10. pred 17 hodinami

    We didn't used to work every weekend.

  11. pred 19 hodinami
  12. pred 17 hodinami
  13. pred 20 hodinami

    Thread: instead of yelling about politics, I’m going to spend my day on here sharing recommendations to support the &

  14. pred 19 hodinami

    Attn: anyone who wants to buy some music from to support the , let me know what you spend, and I will match w/a contribution.

  15. pred 18 hodinami

    President Trump’s may lead to an even bigger private prison industry boom

  16. pred 18 hodinami
  17. pred 18 hodinami

    There is so much confusion and conflicting reports on . ACLU affiliates in 50 states filed demands for more information.

  18. pred 18 hodinami

    Thanks so much to our friends at for this amazing support today!

  19. pred 20 hodinami

    So thankful for the fabulous co-counsel team on the lawsuit

  20. pred 19 hodinami

    Trump’s Muslim ban flies in the face of international law and treaties the U.S. has ratified.

  21. pred 19 hodinami

    Gavin Grimm is suiting up for the Supreme Court. We need you to as he stands up for trans rights

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