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  2. il y a 18 heures

    🇺🇸 justifie la décret de Trump par le , une attaque terroriste sur le sol US... qui n'a jamais eu lieu 1/2

  3. il y a 16 heures
  4. il y a 10 heures
  5. il y a 18 heures

    deaths vs. illegal votes in 2016 election:

  6. il y a 19 heures

    est à mourir de rire ! Merci

  7. il y a 2 heures

    très drôle la réplique du ROGUE POTUS STAFF à la fabrique de faits alternatifs ;-) N'ésitez pas à donner.

  8. il y a 3 heures

    Souviens-toi toujours du massacre qu'il n'y a jamais eu à Bowling Green.

  9. il y a 6 heures
  10. il y a 8 heures

    For those who were there, the Bowling Green Massacre included unspeakable horrors.

  11. il y a 9 heures

    I'll never forget where I was when this didn't happen.

  12. il y a 9 heures

    Currently working on an essay about the history of historical markers. Perfect timing.

  13. il y a 9 heures

    Ok everyone can relax now. The one responsible for the has been found.

  14. il y a 11 heures

    Promptly-corrected bust story: Lying, DISHONEST media! Conway's totally FAKE : She "misspoke" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  15. il y a 12 heures

    Please retweet if you don't remember losing a loved one at . !

  16. il y a 12 heures

    This is why I study Public History.these sites must be marked, interpreted & remembered or we are doomed to repeat 'em

  17. il y a 12 heures

    Please pray for Becky, one of the victims of the senseless violence of the

  18. Never forget? Or never remember? remark sparks snickering in Kentucky and beyond.

  19. il y a 13 heures

    Chelsea Clinton knocks Kellyanne Conway: 'Please don't make up attacks'

  20. il y a 14 heures
  21. il y a 14 heures

    I start laughing at or and immediately remember "oh, these people rule us" then I stop.

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