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In My Wardrobe: Julian Meagher

Julian Meagher left his career as a medical doctor six years ago to pursue a full-time career painting. The Sydney artist has recently returned home from an exhibition at Merry Karnowsky gallery in Los Angeles, where he found the teeth to be blindingly white and the faces remarkably smooth. Meagher's style is more low maintenance, consisting mostly of black T-shirts, trainers and Levis jeans.

My lifestyle demands a wardrobe that is ...

Multifunctional. I need to be able to get paint on things and not stress about it, and wearing something comfortable is also important because my practice ends up being a little physical each day. Cotton items reign supreme.

I would never leave the house without ...

An old Indian multi-coloured sling bag. It carries all my daily items including a camera and a small sketchbook, but it's an easy target for my friends to tease me over.

Since leaving the medical profession to become an artist my working wardrobe has changed ...


Honestly, colour has sadly drained out of my wardrobe. Cliche as it is, I have to admit black now dominates my day-to-day wardrobe. I think it has something to do with the fact that I use up all my colour decisions for the day on the canvas ... when I wake up I just want to put on a neutral uniform.

My most embarrassing fashion purchase was ...

A white corduroy jacket. It was quite expensive but I never wore it once. It was in the late 90s, but still no excuse for that purchase. I've never told anyone until now. It feels good to get it off my chest.

The dress code in Darlinghurst is ...

Anything goes. Everyone seems to be trying to stand out as well as blend in.

When I was in Los Angeles I found men's style to be ...

Not as interesting as the blinding white teeth and scary lack of wrinkles. Getting old gracefully seems to be a thing of the past. Everyone looked surprised to see me. I was also lucky enough to go to an NBA game while I was in town. I'm a huge fan of the players' off-court fashion, and the styles of Amar'e Stoudemire and Russell Westbrook always impress me.

Most recent purchase?

A James Perse shirt. James Perse is of the few labels that cater for tall guys with super long arms. I also bought four pairs of Levi jeans. They are so much cheaper in the States so I like to stock up when I go there.

Australian men tend to wear ...

Things well. I travel a lot and have to say Australian men do a good job in the fashion department.

Brogues or trainers?

Trainers. Too many ankle injuries and standing all day pushed me towards them years ago. I wish I wore better shoes though, as it is so important for men to sport good kicks.

I am inspired by ...

Quiet achievers. Anyone who is passionate about something, no matter what it is. I like how the young emerging clothing label Deadly Companions currently has a line collaborating with artists like Phil James.

The dress code for art openings is usually?

There is zero dress code. Anything from Zoolander's "derelicte" all the way through to designer clothing is warmly accepted at openings. Most people come from work, so you get artists, suits, and uni students all in one room.

When travelling I always pack....

Very little, as it forces me to purchase clothes, like the Bolivia Vivi Con Estilio overcoat I bought in Buenos Aires and a grey and yellow cotton scarf that I bought in Berlin, which was made in Morocco. I always bring a Morrissey suit jacket. I haven't treated it very kindly over the years but it has held up well. If I have it with me I know I can dress up for any occasion. To be honest I don't shop a lot in Sydney, I like buying art instead.

The most treasured item in my wardrobe is...

An original 1970s gold LED watch I bought as a present to myself many years ago in Melbourne after one of the first shows I ever had there. I am looking forward to showing there again in a few months at the Melbourne Art Fair this August.

I can't live without...

My Calvin Klein black T-Shirts and my girlfriend, Roma, teasing me about how often I wear them. These 100 per cent cotton shirts are really comfortable to work in and I can wear them anywhere. They are a really good black that fades and stretches nicely over the years.