How to join

If you’d like to volunteer to take part in any of our projects, then you can register here by clicking on the top right “register” button.

We’re looking for new members who share our vision of citizen science as a normal part of the academic researcher’s or educator’s toolbox. If you’d like to discuss how your institution can get involved with the Citizen Science Alliance and our projects, then contact any of the Leadership Team or Board Chair.

Finally, if you’re a researcher from any academic discipline with more data than you can handle, we hope you’ll consider developing a citizen science project with us.

The advantages of our approach are outlined here. Our main platform - the Zooniverse - provides a highly flexible framework to support and host citizen science projects, as well as a committed and enthusiastic host of volunteers. By using the resources of the Zooniverse, we are able to launch a much wider variety of projects than could ever stand alone. Each project has a dedicated science team who decide what would be useful and are responsible for using the results provided by the site, and development might be done by you, by us or by some combination of the two.

To find out what developing your own Zooniverse project involves click here to read our short guide or contact us on if you have a custom project in mind.