Red Wedge: Fund Drive 2015

$3,230 of $3,000 goal

Raised by 64 people in 19 months
Alexander Billet  CHICAGO, IL
Our deadline is November 1st! Help us send Red Wedge Issue Two to the printers!

We live in a world of perpetual war, ecological catastrophe and economic degradation. Our lives are work (either too much or too little) and work amplifies the brutal, disembodied chaos around us. We are told it is futile to imagine an alternative, that our imagination is deemed superfluous. To rekindle this imagination, to conceive of new expression, new art, music, literature and performance, is a small but radical act.

Red Wedge
aims to play a modest role in stoking this fire. Our first print issue, "Art + Revolution," was a success, something that we at RW are very proud of. It is time to take the next step.  Issue Two: "Amandla!" is in the process of being assembled as we speak. We are hoping to send it to the printers in mid-November, and we need your help. We need your money—large or small sums, whatever you can spare.

Red Wedge is your publication as much as it is ours: of, by and for the radical left to collectively suss out ideas about art and the left’s creative voice. This is why (see below) we are providing rewards to those who donate to the Red Wedge project. 

Without your support, Issue Two will not happen! We sincerely hope that you will give what you can and keep alive this endeavor to rebuild a vital, fighting artistic left.
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Update 2
Posted by Alexander Billet
9 months ago

If you haven't yet seen it, the cover of Red Wedge No. 2, "Art Against Global Apartheid," is attached here. We're sending it to the printers in a little over a week and naturally, it wouldn't be possible without the generosity of all of you, our donors. Again, sincere thanks.

That said, not all our donation reward levels included a copy of the magazine. So if you haven't ordered yet and want a copy, we won't argue with you placing an order here:
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Update 1
Posted by Alexander Billet
10 months ago
Hello to all donors,

First off, I'm pretty sure we've thanked you all at least once before for your generous donation to Red Wedge. But if we haven't, please accept our profuse thanks. And if we have then accept them once again.

Second, we are in the process of making our rewards for this fund drive, and are planning to send them out with Red Wedge No. 2 in late May! So keep an eye on your mailboxes around that time.

There are a couple things you can do to make our job easier:

1. If you donated anonymously then let us know if you are okay having your name on the Red Wedge website as a thank you. (Some people donate anonymously accidentally and we want to make sure that we don't either out someone as being attached to a Marxist website -- which some employers get a little, shall we say, anxious about -- or shortchange anyone.)

2. If you donated for one of the levels where a reward is a t-shirt, then reach out to us to tell us your size. (We'll be emailing you directly about that anyway but if you want to save us the time then we'd much appreciate it.)

3. If your address has changed since the end of the fund drive

You can do any of the above by emailing us at

Once again, sincere and revolutionary thanks.
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$3,230 of $3,000 goal

Raised by 64 people in 19 months
Created June 26, 2015
Alexander Billet  
7 months ago (Monthly Donation)
8 months ago (Monthly Donation)
9 months ago (Monthly Donation)
Bhaskar Sunkara
9 months ago
10 months ago (Monthly Donation)
11 months ago (Monthly Donation)
12 months ago (Monthly Donation)
13 months ago (Monthly Donation)
14 months ago (Monthly Donation)
15 months ago (Monthly Donation)
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