paul mcgeough


Journalist and author; Chief Correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age [Australia]

Washington DC
Joined April 2009

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  1. US Election 2016: How does a sinner like Trump become a saint - and steal the God vote while he was at it? via

  2. CALIPHATE OF TERROR: it's a long way from Istanbul to Fallujah+Dhaka, but for ISIS, connection is strong via

  3. OUR SMALL WORLD: Here's the link between Omar Mateen and Thomas Mair; Trump and Brexit via

  4. US GUN VIOLENCE: Another great day for mass murderers as hypocrite Congress shows its true colours - via

  5. ORLANDO: It's as cynical as this - Trump sees the dead as 49 steppingstones to the White Houses: via

  6. ORLANDO SLAUGHTER: Just another disturbance of the peace among a nation of idiots - via

  7. ORLANDO: Never heard of of a gay jihsdist - was Mateen a political extremist or a self-loathing gay guy? via

  8. CLINTON SAYS WHAT SHE REALLY THINKS: Like in a war movie, she came armed, and opened up with both barrels - via

  9. AMERICAN TORTURE: Will the architects of CIA'S post-9/11 torture regime finally be held to account? via

  10. HAPPY 185th BIRTHDAY, SMH - journos used stay alive to tell a story; now they get killed to make a story via

  11. DIRTY WAR: US+UK flags at half mast on death of arms buying Saudi king; not for 1000s dead in Yemen war via

  12. OBAMA'S MISTAKE: He cites Libya, but the doozie was closer to home - he didn't know how to sell his ideas via

  13. THE SKUZZIDOO FACTOR: It's why Donald Trump is not [yet...] a dead man walking via

  14. TRUMP: Heading for Wisconsin loss amid doubts re viability; Clinton too under pressure via

  15. Tony, give me an email on which I can reach you...

  16. TUESDAY IN WISCONSIN: Beginning of the end of Donald Trump's bid for the White House ... maybe

  17. TRUMP will never be president - his 'unfavourables' are at a historic high, despite all his chest-beating via

  18. TRUMP: Headline news is terrorism and Belgian bombings. But Trump is back in the gutter - dissing women.

  19. TRUMP: Nation-building so yesterday; isolationism over intervention; US can't keep picking up the tab. via

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