wedgeshop is a project of Red Wedge Magazine that aims to distribute socialist and popular avant-garde art, media and cultural artifacts (at affordable rates that compensate artists). It has become clear that the institutions of the art world and the culture industry will not sufficiently support a popular avant-garde. It is up to us.
@ wedgeshop galleries
@ red wedge magazine
- "A Whole Revolutionary" by Caliban's Revenge (August 2016)
- "Inaccessible: The Commofidifed Built Environment," Ashley Bohrer interviews Matthew Woodward (August 2016)
- "Interrogating Combined and Uneven Development in Art," by Trish Kahle, Alexander Billet, Adam Turl and Jordy Cummings (August 2016)
- "Send Red Wedge to London" (August 2016)
- "The Faux Woke-ness of Film Reviews: In Defense of the Free State of Jones," by Crystal Stella Becerril and Jason Netek (August 2016)
- "Evicted Art: Eight Points," by Adam Turl (August 2016)
- "Diamond Reynolds' Chorus," by Colleen Asper (August 2016)
- "Why Don't We Make Love Anymore?" by Adam Turl (August 2016)
- "Eyelids" by Saint Jaime (August 2016)
- "Mary Perry Stone: Cold War Protest Artist," Mary Stone (July 2016)
- "Black Art Matters: A Roundtable on the Black Radical Imagination," Walidah Imarisha, Robin D.G. Kelly and Jonathan Horstmann interviewed by Red Wedge (July, 2016)
- "Escape from Alien Nation," Mike Lineweaver (July 2016)
- "Quantite Negligeable," Adam Turl (July, 2016)
- "Realms of the Unreal," Adam Turl (July, 2016)
- "The Left and the Counterculture," Matthew Caygill (July, 2016)
- "Support Consumer Grade Film," Adam Turl (July, 2016)
- "Wriggling off the Precipice," Alexander Billet (July 2016)
- "Rock Against Racism," Colin Revolting (June, 2016)
- "Art Against Global Apartheid (Audio)," Alexander Billet, C.S. Becerril and Adam Turl (June 2016)
- "Wanted: My Oppressor," Kulog Kuwago (June 2016)
- "Loudness, Love and Peace," Octavio Quintanilla (June 2016)
- "We've Charted the Flaming Arch," Peter Rough (June 2016)
- "More Than a Riot: Inteview with Michelle Cruz Gonzales," James Tracy (May 2016)
Red Wedge's print journal is issued yearly. Subscriptions can be for two issues or four, and with each selection is the option to pay solidarity price. Each issue is in full color and is roughly one hundred pages.
Designed by Craig E. Ross. The image is based on Harriet Tubman's vision of John Brown before his capture and death.
Roughly one hundred full color, illustrated pages of essays, commentary, poetry, art, comics and reviews. "Apartheid" in today's world does not describe only a particular legal circumstance in this or that corner of the globe. Art, literature, music and creativity, in a very basic sense, are a bending of time and space, a defiance of the ways racism, capitalism and imperialism have shaped our world. They dare us to imagine over the walls.
by Adam Turl. Acrylic, coffee, meteorite dust, glitter, stickers, wheat-paste, mixed-media on canvas (2016)
A "comic" of Alex Pullman's story (as told by Adam Turl) of a future rebellion on colonized Mars--distorted by the commodification of the art space.
by Adam Turl. Acrylic, coffee, meteorite dust, glitter, stickers, wheat paste and mixed media on canvas (2016).
by Craig E. Ross. Woodblock print on paper (2015-2016)
Red Wedge's inaugural pamphlet and manifesto, published in 2014. A rough statement of the challenges facing art, artists and radicals concerned with cultural production. Sixteen pages, featuring full-color design and illustrations from Hope Asya.