Daily Life

Jerry Hall and Sarah Murdoch bond over cashmere cardigans in Sydney

While 2016 may have been the year love died and when the world was Trumpified, a beacon of hope shone out from an unexpected source: Rupert Murdoch's heart.

As Brad and Ange split and James and Mariah imploded, the 85-year-old gave us the real life Love Actually sequel by marrying Jerry Hall.

While the octogenarian was busy terrorising his troops at Holt Street or watching over his Merino flock up at Yass, the fourth Mrs Murdoch was joined by another Mrs Murdoch for a spot of shopping and lunch in Sydney.

Dressed in the eastern suburbs mother's group uniform – all white – Sarah Murdoch accompanied the Texan model/actor around Surry Hills this week with the pair popping into Wheels and Dollbaby to pick up some new cardigans.

Hall and Wheels and Dollbaby founder Melanie Greensmith go way back.

After meeting in 2010 when Hall was in Perth honing her seductive craft during a season of The Graduate, the two quickly bonded over their weakness for leopard print and aging rock stars (Greensmith is the long-time partner of Divinyls' guitarist Mark McEntee).

"She would pop out the front of the theatre for a ciggie and then one day she came into the store that was just across the road and we just clicked," Greensmith said. The designer then became a regular at "Jagger Mansion" in London, where she ate cake with Georgia May and Lizzy and bonded with Ronnie Wood's wife, Jo, but admits to not seeing her pal much these days.

"We usually catch up when I'm in London but she's spending a lot of time in the US with Rupes," Greensmith said. "We missed each other by a few days in Sydney, which is sad, I'd love to see Sarah's house, I love that Tuscan influence," she said of the Bellevue Hill pile.