Daily Life

We've had the Women's March, we're still outraged at Trump. What now?

 It was with a swell of pride that I watched the crowds gather at the Women's March on Washington and spill onto the streets in cities the world over. Buoyed by power in numbers, heartened by solidarity, I suddenly felt that we were untouchable. A strong, compelling hoard who would simply not allow the misogynist Cheetos of the world to trample our rights.

Then almost immediately, newly inaugurated US President Donald Trump –surrounded by a posse of aging white men – reinstated a gag order on US funded NGOs, preventing them from providing or discussing abortion services.

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How do Australia's abortion laws stack up?

We compare the laws surrounding abortion in Australia and the rest of the world.

Trump's opening shot – a quick, clear message to the mass of women who opposed him – has been fired at the world's least privileged. It's now incumbent upon the millions of Americans who marched to respond.

As Australians, I suggest we start by looking to our own abortion laws. Change starts at home, as they say, and we have serious work ahead on this particular front. Abortion remains part of criminal law in Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia, Western Australia and the Northern Territory. Those seeking access in other states and territories continue to face financial and physical barriers, particularly in regional areas.

But what can be done?

Women's March on Washington is now facilitating a 10 Actions in 100 Days Campaign, in which new actions are posted every 10 days. The first action is to send a postcard to a local Senator detailing the changes women would like to see. The campaign provides printable postcards and encourages women to gather for drinks or dinner to fill them out together.


In Australia, we might send such postcards to our State MPs, urging support for upcoming pro-choice legislation.

In NSW, for example, Greens MP Mehreen Faruqi's Abortion Law Reform bill, if passed, will remove abortion from the Crimes Act and enforce safe access zones around clinics to prevent harassment of patients (in line with Victorian and Tasmanian law).

"With the support of so many in the community," says Dr Faruqi, in reference to the 69 per cent of voters who support decriminalisation, "I am ready for a debate on the bill in 2017, which will hopefully bring NSW in line with other progressive states which recognise the right to choose and make decisions for our own bodies."

In Queensland, Independent MP Rob Pyne is pushing for similar changes, with two bills going to the vote on March 1. "[W]e really need Queensland and Australian women to get behind this campaign so that women can have control of their own reproductive health," Mr Pyne told Green Left Weekly. "We need to let our MPs know just how much support there is to take abortion out of the criminal law."

While abortion law is largely a state matter in Australia, it may also be worth contacting your Federal MP to express concern over the financial accessibility of abortion. As it currently stands, Medicare covers some costs, and, thanks to the former Labor Government, RU486 (the medical abortion drug) is now on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme; but according to Abortion Australia women can still be out of pocket for 'gap' fees as high as $1370. That's before transport, accommodation, childcare and lost days of work are factored in for those forced to travel to a clinic.

As was recently reported, women are foregoing groceries and delaying bills in order to access services.

Which raises a pertinent question: Why is travel required? Aside from inconsistent state laws giving rise to "abortion tourism", women in regional areas are struggling to find local services. GPs and hospitals are under no obligation to provide abortions if they wish to avoid stigma or conscientiously object, leaving women who have fewer local options at a disadvantage.

According to deputy leader of the Opposition Tanya Plibersek, "more work needs to be done to ensure that enough doctors are able to prescribe these drugs and enough pharmacies stock them."

If you believe all women deserve affordable, non-judgmental access to reproductive health services, a consistent approach to provision may be another matter to raise with your local MP or Premier. But let's not limit this to postcards. We've garnered the world's attention with the Women's March. The momentum is in our favour, so let's continue to march, picket, petition, obstruct, protest, demonstrate and make noise while the iron is hot.

Dr Faruqi says she was proud to join the Women's March in Sydney with her daughter and thousands of others.

"It's moments like these that really reaffirm your faith in the power of the people to make a change," she says, "yet this issue has been off the parliamentary agenda for decades. The reality is that politicians will not make a change unless we force them to."

Well, we are a force. We are a strong, compelling hoard. Let's not let them forget it.