'I've never met a hater whose life I wish I had': Gabrielle Union bites back at mean girls as she flaunts her fabulous figure at 44 in Women's Health

She could easily pass for half her age. 

But Gabrielle Union says that doesn't stop mean girls from being snarky towards her. 

The 44-year-old told the March edition of Women's Health Magazine that she doesn't envy the 'haters', as she showcased her exceptional figure on the cover. 

Youthful: Gabrielle Union, 44, covered March's Women's Health magazine

 Stunning: She showcased her toned physique in a skimpy white swimsuit, inside the magazine

The actress explained: 'Mean girls become mean women, and mean guys. This is not gender specific…it’s just mean people. We live in this age of where everyone is trying to "out-snark" everyone…but the reality is, mean people have low self-esteem. 

'I always say, "I’ve never met a hater whose life I wish I had." The biggest, easiest way to broadcast to the world that you’re insecure, and that somebody has power over you, is to be a mean girl towards that person.'

She showcased her toned physique in a skimpy white swimsuit inside the magazine. 

Not a mean girl: The actress looked stunning and told the publication that she doesn't envy the 'haters', as she showcased her exceptional figure

The star shared the cover - which flaunts her shapely rear and flat stomach in orange bikini bottoms and a cropped top - with her social media followers. 

She captioned: 'I’m on the March cover of @WomensHealthMag where I spill on staying fit, looking young & my dream of a bacon-scented candle #whconfessions'.

The Being Mary Jane star - who is married to NBA star Dwayne Wade - explained that she keeps her youthful looks intact by getting plenty of sleep. 

Natural beauty: The FlashForward star said she hasn't resorted to any cosmetic help just yet, but didn't rule it out in the future

'My best anti-aging tip is the ability to say no, no, and hell, no. We run ourselves ragged saying yes to every freaking thing, whether it’s to our family, spouses, or careers. 

'I sleep eight hours a day and don’t let myself stress out. A lot of people call it selfish, but I don’t have any wrinkles,' she added.

The FlashForward star said she hasn't resorted to any cosmetic help just yet, but didn't rule it out in the future. 

'I get asked all the time how I look so young. I don’t like needles. I’m not going to rule out Botox, but the idea of putting a needle in my face - I’m not there yet. I have pretty oily skin, I drink a lot of water, I don’t smoke, and I don’t have a hard life.'

The beauty added: 'Of course, as I’ve aged, everything on my body hurts! My hips, back, shoulders – lots of aches and pains. I dye my hair and people say, "You look young," but my gray hairs are saying: "She’s old as f-ck!"'

The beauty - who is starring in crime drama Sleepless which was released earlier this month, alongside Jamie Foxx - said she doesn't deny herself calorific treats. 

'It’s not even like "I’m not going to work out, and I’m going to watch what I eat,"' she said.

She added: 'If I don’t feel like it, I don’t feel like it. I’m going to have a margarita. I’m not going to get the skinny one. I’m going to get the one with all of the freaking calories. I’m going to have a cheeseburger, I’m going to have a pound of bacon. 

'And then maybe the next day, I’ll try to pull it together, but I try not to be too crazy with it. I’m never going to turn down a burger. Ever. Especially if there’s bacon and cheese on it.'  

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