@Jess_Irvine is blocked

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  1. As if parents' blood weren't already boiling hard enough today, now this...

  2. Piketty apologises to those with his 700 page tome Capital still on their nightstands: It's 'a bit too long and I'm sorry about that'

  3. Wow the script writers of this season of House of Cards have outdone themselves: sex, beheading, accusations of rape. What am I watching??

  4. Want a good job? In the workforce, as in relationships, it pays not to become too predictable... via

  5. And this is why I only buy servo sunnies (international monopoly power, plus the fact I always lose them)

  6. The chart that proves Australia is not doing so bad, after all...from RBA Chris Kent

  7. Substantially less intellectually filling, but good idea

  8. In econ wonk heaven today...RBA for breakfast, AOFM for lunch. No acronyms planned for dinner, sadly.

  9. Zombies have invaded China! Bananas too...

  10. Jessica Irvine followed , , and 31 others
    • @HeathJAston

      federal political correspondent, SMH and The Age Email: haston@fairfaxmedia.com.au

    • @aparnakhopkar

      Weekend features editor at The Sydney Morning Herald and Sun-Herald. Opinions mine etc.

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