Npower announces inflation-busting price hikes of 10% for 1.4m customers: Typical energy bill set to soar by £109

  • Around 1.4m customers will see their energy bills go up from March 16th
  • The provider blames rising wholesale and Government policy costs
  • Electricity will rise by 15% while gas is going up by 4.8% 

Npower is hiking the price of gas and electricity by an overall 9.8 per cent, it confirmed today, which will add around £109 annually on to a typical dual fuel bill.

Electricity prices will go up by 15 per cent while gas will rise by 4.8 per cent.

The increase will come into effect on 16 March and anyone with a standard variable tariff from the provider will see their energy bills rise.

The announcement could be the trigger for its rivals - dubbed the 'Big Six' - to also hike prices for hard-pressed households. 

Bill hike: Npower will increase prices for 1.4m energy customers from 16 March 2017

Around 1.4million Npower customers will see higher prices on their energy bills from 16 March.

The rest of its customers, which are on fixed-rate tariffs, will not see the price change.

Npower last hiked prices three years ago. It says since then there have been increases in wholesale energy costs plus a rise to the amount energy firms pay to Government energy policies, such as smart metering, renewables obligation and the capacity market.

It has blamed these rises on the hikes to energy bills and said in a statement: 'this trend is set to continue, with network and policy costs representing an increasing share of domestic electricity bills.' 

The price rise of 9.8 per cent for those with a variable tariff is significantly higher than the current rate of inflation, which rose to a two-and-a half year high of 1.6 per cent in December.

Simon Stacey, managing director of domestic markets, said: 'This is a hugely difficult decision, and we've delayed the date this takes effect until after the coldest months of the year. 

'We've also made sure that our most vulnerable customers won't see any impact until May.

'Npower has some of the most engaged customers of any major supplier - one million of our customers switched to another of our tariffs last year and around half of our customers aren't on a standard variable tariff. 

'To encourage even more engagement, today we're launching a fixed tariff just for our existing customers who are still on an SVT, that will fix energy prices for the next four years with no exit fees.

'Npower operates one of the broadest range of support schemes of any supplier, offering the widest and most diverse care programmes for vulnerable customers and those who are struggling with their energy bills. 

'We're already delaying the impact of the increase for vulnerable customers, but anyone who is struggling with their energy bills should contact us straight away to discuss whether they're on the right tariff for their needs, energy saving help and bespoke payment plans.'

Npower: The firm is the second of the Big Six to announce a bill hike this year

Stephen Murray, energy expert for comparison website MoneySuperMarket, said: 'Coming off the back of EDF's price increase that starts on 1 March, further price increases from the Big Six had a certain air of inevitability. 

'However, this hefty rise of nearly 10 per cent will add £109 for the average dual fuel customer – a significant dent to customers' wallets. 

'Standard customers continue to pay over the odds for their gas and electricity and whether you're an Npower customer or with any other supplier on a standard tariff, the message is and has been clear for a while – switch tariff to a cheaper fixed deal and take control of your energy bills.' 

While Mark Todd, energy expert at Eneryhelpline,added: 'This is a shocking price rise and a big kick in the teeth to Npower standard tariff customers.

'To beat the price rises consumers need to compare prices and switch to a fixed rate tariff. This is one guaranteed not to rise in price. Most customers will be able to save £100-£200 a year now and so those savings will be more like £200-£300 once the price rise comes into effect.

'The Npower price rise is likely to open the floodgates. Expect more rises of 5-10 per cent from other big energy companies through February.'  

Wholesale energy costs have been rising steadily over the past seven months after an almost two-year period of remaining flat. The price of supplying energy was 15 per cent higher this month compared to a year ago due to rises in wholesale, network and Government obligation costs, according to Ofgem.

Price hikes are expected by all of the Big Six energy firms in the next few months

But in 2014, when prices remained low for a prolonged period, energy firms were not as quick to pass on these savings to customers.

Ofgem chief executive Dermot Nolan said last week there was 'no obvious reason' for price hikes from the Big Six, given that they usually buy energy two years in advance and therefore should be able to hedge against market changes.

British Gas, SSE and Eon have all frozen prices on their standard variable tariffs until the spring. Prices for British Gas customers on its standard variable tariff are being held until March 2017, while E.on and SSE have both frozen prices until April.

EDF has confirmed a price increase, of 8.4 per cent for electricity prices. It cut the price of gas by 5.2 per cent on 6 January for around 700,000 of its customers and froze the price of electricity until 1 March, when it will hike the cost. 


This is Money has joined forces once more with energyhelpline to launch a new collective switch to help readers save money on energy bills.  

The Winter Collective allows our readers to team up with thousands of other people and use their collective power to negotiate a unique offer on their energy bills.

We aim to secure a deal saving typical customers around £300-a-year - enough to beat the effects of rising wholesale energy costs.

This special deal turns the table on energy firms - rather than households having to hunt out a better price, they will be competing to offer you one.

You can register with just a few details here and once we have picked the winning deal we will deliver a unique tariff straight to your inbox on February 14.

If you decide to switch and save money you can. If you decide it is not for you then you do not have to take it. 

  • Not interested in taking part but want to search for a better deal? For full details of how to switch your provider and where to find the best deals check out This is Money's switching guide

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