Bereaved families set to see their financial lifeline slashed by up to £31k in overhaul that will hit children who lose a parent

  • Bereaved families with young children set to be hardest hit
  • Unmarried couples with children still won't be eligible
  • Young widows and widowers without children will be eligible for the first time 
  • Bereaved families already receiving payments before April will not be affected by the changes

Georgia Elms was devastated when her husband Jon died suddenly of meningitis aged just 38. The next day she found out she was pregnant with their second daughter.

Georgia’s life was turned upside down; emotionally, of course, but also financially because Jon had been the main breadwinner, while Georgia was on maternity leave from a part-time job.

Fortunately a colleague told her about bereavement benefits, to which she would be entitled as a result of the National Insurance payments Jon had made over his lifetime.

Georgia Elms, with her two daughters Daisy and Scarlett

‘They amount to around £500 a month and help me to pay for the day-to-day things I need to bring up my daughters,’ says Georgia, who is chairman of the charity Widowed and Young.

‘We had prepared for the worst and had life insurance, but although that pays off the mortgage it can't buy things you need to bring up children like school shoes.’

Yet, vital as they are for families in their time of need, the government plans to slash these payments for those who lose a loved one as part of an overhaul of bereavement payments and allowances from April this year.

That comes despite the payments being based on the National Insurance contributions of the dead parent.

The cut could amount to £31,000 for the hardest-hit families, and over £12,000 for the average working widowed parent.

Instead of getting support until their youngest child leaves school, widowed parents will now get support for just 18 months.

Bereaved families where the couple was unmarried will continue to receive nothing at all.

Georgia Elms with her daughters Daisy and Scarlett at a summer wedding

Some people will see their payments rise, most notably married widows under the age of 45 with no children.

The changes are mooted as a modernisation; the government says the current system has undergone little update since the original bereavement benefits were introduced in 1925.

A DWP spokesman said: 'The old system – introduced more than 90 years ago – was based on the outdated assumption that a widowed parent relied on their spouse for income, and would never work themselves. This doesn’t reflect people’s lives today.

'The new Bereavement Support Payment restores fairness to the system and focusses support during the 18-month period after a loved one dies, when they need it the most. It is also easier to claim, won’t be taxed and will be subject to a disregard for benefit claims, helping those on the lowest incomes the most.'

Minister for welfare delivery Caroline Nokes says the current system could be ‘unfair, complex and also act as a trap preventing people from moving on with their lives’.

Bereavement experts disagree, and say that children grieving for a dead mother or father need all the support from the surviving parent that they can get - and financial help can make a world of difference here.

The new system is designed to focus on helping people immediately after they are bereaved, but not to help families who have suffered a fall in income as they now have just one earner. 

However, charities that support widows and children who have lost a parent say that the changes could make life even tougher for families who have suffered a bereavement.

Alison Penny of the Childhood Bereavement Network says: ‘We know that children’s grief often takes a while to emerge, and they often face new challenges two or three years down the line.

It’s vital that their mum or dad have the flexibility to be available to children

'It’s vital that their mum or dad – who are coping with their own grief too – have the flexibility to be available to their children.’

She adds that government research shows that most bereaved partners either stay in or take up work within 18 months of bereavement.

‘The last thing we should be doing is interfering with that by putting them under pressure to find work or face sanctions.’

Furthermore, bereaved families tend to have considerably higher childcare costs as it becomes the full responsibility of the remaining parent, who must also work to support the family as the sole breadwinner.

Difficult times: The new system will focus on helping bereaved families immediately after the loss of a loved one - but all payments will cease after 18 months 

What are the changes being made?

There are three types of payments available to bereaved spouses and civil partners. 

These are paid for out of the National Insurance contributions of the deceased. Only the partners of those with a certain National Insurance record will receive the full benefits.

In many cases the deceased will have paid tens of thousands of pounds in National Insurance contributions, payments which they would have benefited from later in life with a state pension.

However, since they will never receive the state pension, the bereavement payments allow the deceased’s family to claim a small portion of this when they are likely to need it most.

All three types of payment are set to undergo major changes under the new rules.

Bereavement Payment

This is a tax-free lump sum, currently worth £2,000. This amount will be more generous, increasing to £2,500 for those without children and £3,500 for those with children.

It is hoped the sum will help bereaved families with the initial costs such as for funerals. The cost of a basic funeral has risen for the 13th consecutive year to £3,897 on average, according to SunLife Insurance.

Bereavement support groups are concerned that while the cost of funerals has been rising steadily and is likely to continue to do so, there are no plans to increase any of the bereavement payments in line with inflation.

Widowed Parent’s Allowance

This is currently a taxable weekly benefit of up to £112.55 per week, depending on the National Insurance contributions of the deceased. It is paid until the youngest child no longer qualifies for Child Benefit, the claimant remarries or moves in with a partner, or reaches state pension age.

This allowance will be cut to £350 a month for those with children and will be given for 18 months only.

Bereavement Allowance

Under the current system, this is a taxable weekly benefit of between £33.77 and £112.55 per week paid for 12 months to a surviving spouse or civil partner with no dependent children, and aged between 45 and state pension age. The higher the age of the surviving spouse when bereaved, the higher the weekly rate.

The changes will mean that surviving spouses or civil partners with no children will receive £100 a month for 18 months, regardless of age.

Younger grieving spouses and civil partners without children will get monthly support for the first time.

Tax changes

The new payment will now not be taxed, and will be subject to a disregard in the calculation of means-tested benefits and the benefit cap. The government says this will help those on the lowest incomes by providing extra cash at a time when it is needed. 

Who will be better and worse off?

The majority of claimants are likely to be worse off under the new system. 

Those who are likely to lose the most are those with young children who could have claimed Widowed Parent’s Allowance for up to 20 years under the current scheme, but now will be able to do so for a maximum of 18 months.

Meanwhile those aged under 45 with no children will receive monthly payments for the first time. Those aged over 45 with no children will be supported for 18 months instead of the current 12 months.

When will the changes take place?

Anyone claiming under the current system will not be affected. Anyone who is bereaved after April 6th this year is likely to be.

What about unmarried couples? 

Bereaved parents and partners who were unmarried are not eligible for any of the benefits.

Charities that support bereaved children had hoped that since the changes were labelled a ‘modernisation’ of the current system, they may be changed to acknowledge children born out of wedlock.

As many as 47.7 per cent of all babies were born outside marriage or civil partnership in 2015, according to the latest figures from the Office for National Statistics, and this proportion has been rising steadily.

The Childhood Bereavement Network argues that: ‘Children themselves have no influence over whether or not their parents are married or not, so it seems harsh to deprive some of financial support following a parent’s death based on their parents’ marital status’.

Eligible: The bereavement payments will be extended to married couples or those in civil partnerships, but not unmarried couples - even those with children

Last year, This is Money spoke to Claire Harris, who was just 34 when Gary, her partner of 16 years, died of cancer, leaving her to bring up three young children alone.

The family was shattered; by the loss of a partner and father, and having to come to terms with another realisation – a fall in income from £60,000 a year to barely enough to scrape by.

Claire and Gary did not realise that their relationship would not be recognised for bereavement payments, leaving Claire unable to claim support from the National Insurance Fund that she so badly needed.

Young family: Claire and Gary's children were just 10, 11, and 14 when Gary died of cancer

The Child Bereavement Network estimates that 53 per cent of people cohabiting with a partner believe wrongly that living together for some time brings them the same legal rights as if they were married: the stubborn myth of the ‘common law’ marriage.

The charity claims that this myth may not be helped by the fact that both parents have equal financial responsibility for children, whether they are married or not. Support such as child benefit is calculated on the income of both parents, and should parents separate both are required to pay support. However, the same rules do not apply in the case of the death of one parent.

The Department for Work and Pensions says: ‘Marriage and Civil Partnership confer legal rights and responsibilities on individuals that cohabitees do not have.

‘Allowing the surviving members of cohabiting couples to have access to bereavement benefits would significantly increase complexity and require extensive proof of cohabitation which could be both difficult and intrusive for the bereaved person to establish. For example, this would require the Government to provide a legal definition of a ‘couple’, including determining the period the individuals had been together to be classed as a ‘couple’.’

It estimates that extending the benefits to cohabiting couples would cost around £75million a year. 

However, extending them only to those with children would cost considerably less than this.  

The Work and Pensions Committee, a group of MPs who looked into bereavement benefits, last year called on the government to extend the benefits to unmarried couples with children, although not to those without. 

It calculated that the cost would be just 4.7 per cent of the forecast expenditure in 2020/21, which could be paid for from the savings made from the new reforms.

'The needs of bereaved children of cohabiting parents are no different to those whose parents were married or in a civil partnership,' it said. 'Penalising children on the grounds of the marital status of their parents is unjust.'

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