
Trump’s nationalist threats and the response of the European ruling class

By Alex Lantier, 2 February 2017

In response to Trump’s protectionist threats against Europe and criticisms of the euro, Germany and its closest allies are preparing a major military and police buildup.

The mass protests against Trump and the role of the Democratic Party

By Bill Van Auken, 1 February 2017

While hundreds of thousands have marched in the US and around the world against Trump’s police state ban on Muslims and refugees, the concerns of the Democratic Party are focused on the strategic interests of US imperialism.

The protests against Trump's Muslim ban and the conflict within the state

By Barry Grey, 31 January 2017

The opposition of sections of the political establishment to Trump’s anti-Muslim ban is motivated not by the defense of democratic rights, but by concerns that the measure will undercut US imperialist interests and operations around the world.

The Trump-Bannon government: Rule by decree

By Patrick Martin, 30 January 2017

The Trump administration’s order against immigrants makes clear that the new government intends to utilize its control over the state to the maximum to enforce the interests of the financial oligarchy.

Week one of the Trump administration: A government of war and social reaction

By Joseph Kishore, 28 January 2017

When future historians examine this period, they will inevitably direct attention to what preceded it, to the political, social, economic and cultural factors out of which the Trump presidency arose.

Trump’s meeting with the UK’s Theresa May and the US/European conflict

By Chris Marsden, 27 January 2017

It is a measure of the deterioration in relations between the US and the rest of the world that May’s visit has prompted bitter recriminations from leading voices representing British imperialism.

Trump launches war against immigrant workers

By Bill Van Auken, 26 January 2017

Signing an executive order to build his wall on the Mexican border, Trump signaled that immigration officials and the Border Patrol will be given free rein to violently repress one of the most oppressed layers of the working class.

Trump threats on South China Sea heighten risk of nuclear war

By Peter Symonds, 25 January 2017

The only means of barring China from access to its islets in the South China Sea is a naval and air blockade, an act of war.

Sanders backs Trump’s “America First” economic nationalism

By Jerry White, 24 January 2017

After Trump signed an executive order to pull out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact, Bernie Sanders praised him and said he would be “delighted” to work with the new president.

The way forward in the fight against Trump

By the Socialist Equality Party, 23 January 2017

The only social force that can settle accounts with the capitalist oligarchy is a politically conscious working class, armed with a socialist and internationalist program.

Trump’s fascistic diatribe: On the road to World War III

By Patrick Martin, 21 January 2017

Trump’s inaugural address combined nationalistic chest-thumping against foreign countries with bullying demands for patriotism and conformity at home.

The inauguration of Donald Trump: An event that will live in infamy

By the Socialist Equality Party, 20 January 2017

History has caught up with American capitalism. The protracted process of economic and social decay has been covered over for decades with democratic phrases that served to disguise the gap between the official political myths and the underlying reality. But the mask has now come off.

The Trump presidency and the coming conflict between Europe and America

By Chris Marsden, 19 January 2017

Never before has a US president set as his explicit goal the breakup of the European Union.

Wealth distribution in the United States and the politics of the pseudo-left

By Eric London, 18 January 2017

An analysis of statistics on economic stratification in the United States reveals the material basis of identity politics.

Oxfam issues report on eve of Davos conference

Eight billionaires control as much wealth as the bottom half of the world’s population

By Nick Beams, 17 January 2017

The report, released as the world’s billionaires converge on Davos, Switzerland, reveals that global inequality is even more pronounced than previously recognized.

From Selma to the CIA

John Lewis, Donald Trump and the demise of the “civil rights” establishment

By Patrick Martin, 16 January 2017

The former civil rights leader and longtime Democratic congressman has now joined the campaign to prepare US public opinion for war with Russia.

Washington invokes the language of war against Russia

By Joseph Kishore, 14 January 2017

Over the past several weeks, top Democratic and Republican officials have denounced Russian President Vladimir Putin as a “war criminal,” following a script used before every previous act of military aggression.

Trump’s China policy threatens nuclear war

By James Cogan, 13 January 2017

President-elect Donald Trump and the cabal of billionaires and ex-generals who will comprise his cabinet have signaled they will substantially intensify the United States’ conflict with China.

Trump press conference: The oligarchy rules

By Patrick Martin, 12 January 2017

Trump’s press conference Wednesday morning was an hour-long demonstration of oligarchic arrogance and contempt for democratic principles that has no parallel in modern American history.

Economic nationalism and the breakdown of the post-war order

By Nick Beams, 11 January 2017

The United States was the guarantor of the post-war economic order based on the lowering of tariffs and trade barriers under the rubric of “free trade,” but Trump’s “America First” agenda signals the collapse of that order.

Obama's legacy of war, repression and inequality

By Joseph Kishore, 10 January 2017

For Obama and the privileged social layers that surround the Democratic Party, a legacy can be crafted with honeyed phrases and clever marketing. Millions of people, however, will judge the administration by its actions.

The media campaign on Russian hacking and the US debacle in Syria

By Andre Damon, 9 January 2017

Despite the absence of any factual evidence in the report released last week by US intelligence agencies on alleged Russian hacking, the media campaign for war shows no signs of abating.

Trump’s coming confrontation with China

By Peter Symonds, 7 January 2017

No longer having the economic muscle to lay down the international trade rules, the US has begun a dramatic military build-up in Asia to assert its dominance, even if that leads to war with China.

Congress grovels before the CIA as it escalates “Russian hacking” hysteria

By Patrick Martin, 6 January 2017

At Thursday’s congressional hearing, US Senators seemed to be in competition to demonstrate the most abject loyalty to the intelligence agencies.

Protests against gas price hikes spread across Mexico

By Eric London, 5 January 2017

The Mexican government’s decision to cut gas subsidies has provoked widespread demonstrations, road blockades and gas station occupations, sparking fears within the ruling class of a social explosion.

The class struggle in the US in 2017

By Jerry White, 4 January 2017

This year promises to be one of increasing class struggle in the United States and around the world.

Socialism and the centenary of the Russian Revolution: 1917-2017

By David North and Joseph Kishore, 3 January 2017

A specter is haunting world capitalism: the specter of the Russian Revolution. This year marks the centenary of the world-historical events of 1917, which began with the February Revolution in Russia and culminated in October with the conquest of political power by the Bolshevik Party, under the leadership of Lenin and Trotsky.

The lying campaign on Russian hacking

By Andre Damon, 31 December 2016

The US media, led by the New York Times, has embraced Obama’s retaliatory measures against alleged Russian hacking despite the fact that the White House has put forward no evidence to substantiate its claims.

Israel-Palestine and the “two-state solution”

By Nick Beams, 30 December 2016

John Kerry’s speech defending US abstention on a UN resolution criticising Israel’s expansionist policies was a warning that abandonment of the “two-state solution” could have explosive consequences.

Obama signs his last Pentagon budget: A legacy of war and reaction

By Bill Van Auken, 29 December 2016

The Democratic president’s signing of the National Defense Authorization Act ensures that the infamous prison at Guantanamo will be handed over intact to Donald Trump.

Panic at America’s malls: Class tensions at the breaking point

By Eric London, 28 December 2016

There were scenes of panic across the US on Monday as thousands of shoppers, fearing mass shootings, fled shopping malls, revealing an acute level of social tensions as 2016 comes to a close.

No “Peace on Earth” in 2016

By Andre Damon, 24 December 2016

The vast scale of global violence this past year will be eclipsed only by what next year threatens to bring.

Trump’s tweet and the danger of nuclear war

By James Cogan, 23 December 2016

Donald Trump has repeatedly suggested the use of nuclear weapons to achieve American imperialist ends and impose Washington’s dictates.

Mosul, Iraq and Obama’s legacy of war

By James Cogan, 22 December 2016

There is no doubt as to the overriding motive behind the 1991 Gulf War, years of sanctions on Iraq, the 2003 US invasion and the blood-letting in Mosul—oil.

Christmas on Wall Street: The Dow closes in on 20,000

By Barry Grey, 21 December 2016

The American corporate elite anticipates that Trump will remove all constraints on its ability to plunder American society for personal gain.

The United States of Inequality

By Andre Damon, 20 December 2016

A new study by economists Thomas Piketty, Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman gives the most complete picture to date of social inequality in America.

Ahead of Electoral College vote: Democrats intensify McCarthyite campaign against Russia

By Patrick Martin, 19 December 2016

The campaign by the Democrats against Trump is not over the far-right character of his cabinet, but his insufficiently aggressive attitude toward Russia.

Obama, Clinton stoke anti-Russia campaign

By Patrick Martin, 17 December 2016

In his final press conference, Obama reiterated claims of Russian government hacking against the US election while refusing to provide any evidence.

The US media’s neo-McCarthyite campaign for war against Russia

By Andre Damon, 16 December 2016

The ferocious denunciations of Russia that have dominated the American media are aimed at poisoning public sentiment and paving the way for war.

Washington’s hypocrisy over the fall of Aleppo

By Bill Van Auken, 15 December 2016

The hysterical denunciations by Western governments and media of alleged atrocities in eastern Aleppo are a measure of the debacle for US imperialism in Syria.

Trump picks oil mogul as secretary of state

By Patrick Martin, 14 December 2016

The nomination of ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson puts the finishing touches on Trump’s government of billionaires.

US coal miners face cutoff of health, pension benefits

By Jerry White, 13 December 2016

More than 120,000 retired coal miners are threatened with the cutoff of health and pension benefits over the next several months as the United Mine Workers Health and Retirement Fund runs out of money.

Study on pay for young adults highlights plunge in US living standards

By Niles Niemuth, 12 December 2016

It is the social catastrophe, rooted in the decline of American capitalism, that underlies the political crisis of both big-business parties and will lead to immense social convulsions.

Obama’s parting shot at Russia

By Bill Van Auken, 10 December 2016

While Obama and the Democrats bow to Trump as he assembles the most right-wing administration in US history, they remain concerned that he is insufficiently bellicose toward Moscow.

A Trump junta?

By Bill Van Auken, 9 December 2016

The growing number of recently retired generals joining the Trump cabinet is an expression of the ever-growing power of the military over political life.

The political issues in the Standing Rock protests

By Patrick Martin, 8 December 2016

It is impossible to defend the environment or the rights of Native Americans within the straitjacket of the Democratic Party and the capitalist system.

The Oakland fire tragedy and the housing crisis in America

By Kate Randall, 7 December 2016

At the root of the tragedy lies the dysfunctional character of American capitalism, including a housing crisis born of poverty, social inequality and years of neglect by government authorities.

Trump’s phone call with Taiwan: A provocation against China

By Peter Symonds, 6 December 2016

Trump’s policy in the Asia-Pacific of “peace through strength” is a strategy not of peace, but of war.

Trump picks General “Mad Dog” Mattis for secretary of defense

By Patrick Martin, 5 December 2016

The selection of retired General James Mattis has been greeted with approval across the political and national-security establishment and in the major organs of the corporate-controlled media.

Vote no on the Italian constitutional referendum!

By Joint statement of the Socialist Equality Party (Britain), Parti de l'égalité Socialiste (France) and Partei für Soziale Gleichheit (Germany), 3 December 2016

The referendum would give the prime minister virtually unchecked powers to impose his party's agenda, in a major step towards authoritarian forms of rule.

Mosul and imperialist “human rights”

By James Cogan, 2 December 2016

The attitude of the imperialist powers to war crimes is determined by whether they benefit from them.

President-elect Trump on flag-burning: The crisis of American democracy

By Joseph Kishore, 1 December 2016

Trump’s statement on flag-burning reflects not only the authoritarian disposition of the president-elect, but the far-reaching decay of bourgeois democracy in the United States.

New York Times vents Washington’s rage over debacle in Syria

By Bill Van Auken, 30 November 2016

The Times has churned out countless lying editorials and columns justifying the bloodbath instigated by US imperialism in Syria as a “human rights” crusade.

The political issues in the campaign for a recount in the US elections

By Joseph Kishore and David North, 29 November 2016

Three weeks after the US presidential election, the political crisis triggered by the initiative to recount the vote in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania is escalating.

The political legacy of Fidel Castro

By Bill Van Auken, 28 November 2016

Castro’s legacy cannot be evaluated solely through the prism of Cuba, but must take into account the impact of his politics internationally and, above all, in Latin America.

Growing concerns in Europe over Trump agenda

By Nick Beams, 26 November 2016

The European Central Bank has warned of increased financial turbulence as a result of the rise in interest rates and the trade policies of a Trump administration.

Election of Donald Trump foreshadows trade war in Asia

By Peter Symonds, 25 November 2016

Trump has not only sunk the Trans Pacific Partnership but called into question the entire basis of the post-World War II order in the Asia Pacific.

Thanksgiving 2016 and the social crisis in America

By Andre Damon, 24 November 2016

For millions of American families, the Thanksgiving holiday will only underscore the economic insecurity and social misery they confront.

King Donald meets his media courtiers

By Patrick Martin, 23 November 2016

Trump gave the media executives and anchors a tongue-lashing, creating an atmosphere that one cowed participant compared to a “firing squad.”

Popular vote margin against Trump hits 1.7 million

By Patrick Martin, 22 November 2016

Trump lost the popular vote more decisively than any previous winner of the Electoral College vote.

Trump’s authoritarian government of nationalism and war

By Joseph Kishore, 21 November 2016

As the Democratic Party seeks to normalize the transfer of power to Trump, the appointments of the president-elect confirm the historically unprecedented character of the incoming US administration.

Trump’s election as seen from Europe

By Alex Lantier, 19 November 2016

Well before the content of Trump’s foreign policy has come into focus, it is clear that his election marks a historic shift in world affairs, raising the specter of global conflict.

After the election of Trump: The realignment of US politics

By Patrick Martin, 18 November 2016

The Democratic Party leadership is moving very rapidly to align itself with Trump, based on a program of economic nationalism and trade war.

As anti-Trump protests spread, Democrats scramble to contain opposition

By Barry Grey, 17 November 2016

An entire generation of youth is entering into politics and being radicalized by the advent of the most right-wing government in American history.

Mass student protests against Trump election: The way forward

By The Socialist Equality Party and the International Youth and Students for Social Equality, 16 November 2016

The opposition expressed by students and young people in demonstrations across the US stands in sharp contrast to the abject capitulation of the Democratic Party to Donald Trump.

Trump’s appointment of Stephen Bannon: A new stage in the crisis of American democracy

By Joseph Kishore, 15 November 2016

Trump's rise to power signals a drastic political realignment within the American ruling class.

From “political revolution” to collaboration: Sanders and Warren pledge to work with Trump

By Patrick Martin and Joseph Kishore, 14 November 2016

As Trump assembles his administration, the Democratic Party and the media seek to normalize a government of the extreme right the likes of which has never been seen in American history.

The myth of the reactionary white working class

By Eric London, 12 November 2016

The claim that the election of Trump was due to the racism of the “white working class” is a false narrative exploded by the most basic analysis of the data.

From monster to Mr. President-Elect: Democrats grovel before Trump

By Andre Damon, 11 November 2016

In rushing to support Trump, the Democrats and the media are largely remaining silent about a significant fact of the election: the president-elect lost the popular vote.

Race, class and the election of Trump

By Barry Grey, 10 November 2016

The lack of enthusiasm for Clinton was fundamentally a class response to a crony of Wall Street with a record of militarism and corruption.

Trump’s victory and the debacle of American democracy

By Joseph Kishore, 9 November 2016

Such is the level of political crisis in the United States that it has elevated an obscene charlatan and billionaire demagogue to the highest office in the land.

The nightmare election campaign staggers to its end

By Joseph Kishore and David North, 8 November 2016

The contempt felt toward the two candidates expresses a deeper alienation from the entire structure of official capitalist politics.

On the eve of the 2016 US election

By Patrick Martin, 7 November 2016

The election campaign has plumbed new depths of filth and reaction, sparking concerns in ruling circles that it has done lasting damage to the credibility of the United States, both internationally and at home.

US election campaign reveals mass alienation from two-party system

By Patrick Martin, 5 November 2016

A New York Times/CBS poll found that voters, by a six-to-one margin, were disgusted by the Clinton-Trump contest.

Class struggle in US intensifies on eve of election

By Jerry White, 4 November 2016

There is growing opposition among American workers to corporate and government demands for endless rollbacks in wages, health care and pension benefits.

Build an international movement against imperialist war!

By Socialist Equality Party, 3 November 2016

The conference this Saturday in Detroit, Michigan, “Socialism vs. Capitalism and War,” will outline a political strategy for building a socialist movement of the international working class against the danger of a Third World War.

New York Times promotes war hysteria over Estonia

By Bill Van Auken, 2 November 2016

The Times piece amounts to war propaganda, echoing the hysterical claims of the Baltic states that a Russian invasion is imminent and glorifying the legacy of Nazism.

The 2016 US election and the crisis of the two-party system

By Barry Grey, 1 November 2016

The bitter conflict within the political establishment following FBI Director James Comey’s intervention in the election has exposed the deep crisis of bourgeois rule in the US.

Political warfare explodes in Washington

By Patrick Martin and Barry Grey, 31 October 2016

The FBI's announcement of new “investigative steps” against Hillary Clinton has brought to the surface a raging conflict within the American state and ruling elite.

The FBI intervenes in the 2016 election

By Patrick Martin, 29 October 2016

The FBI’s announcement of new “investigative steps” related to Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server, made only 11 days before the election, is both extraordinary and unprecedented.

Aleppo, Mosul and “war crimes”

By Bill Van Auken, 28 October 2016

Those denouncing Russia for “war crimes” in Aleppo have carried out atrocities over the course of the past three quarters of a century that vastly eclipse the events in the embattled Syrian city.

Obamacare: The reality hits home

By Andre Damon, 27 October 2016

On Monday, the US Department of Health and Human Services announced that premiums for health insurance plans sold under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will increase on average by 25 percent in 2017, raising health care costs of millions of working people by thousands of dollars.

US “pivot to Asia” in disarray

By Peter Symonds, 26 October 2016

Far from making a retreat, Washington’s response to its setbacks will be to escalate its diplomatic intrigues and military provocations in the Asia Pacific.

Social inequality and the fight against capitalism

By Nick Beams, 25 October 2016

Facts and figures featured in the analysis conducted by French political economist Thomas Piketty underscore that there is no possibility of combating ever-growing social inequality other than by means of socialist revolution.

The 2016 elections and the dead-end of “lesser evil” politics

By Patrick Martin, 24 October 2016

Republican Donald Trump is a billionaire demagogue seeking to lay the basis for a fascistic movement; Hillary Clinton is the representative of Wall Street and the military-intelligence apparatus.

What is behind the anti-Russia campaign in the US?

By Andre Damon, 22 October 2016

A major theme of the 2016 US presidential campaign has been the campaign to depict Russia as intent on manipulating the election through cyber warfare.

The 2016 elections: American democracy in shambles

By Joseph Kishore, 21 October 2016

In condemning statements by Trump that he might not accept the results of the elections, the media and political establishment are rushing to defend a political system that is deeply corrupt and undemocratic.

The siege of Mosul and the crimes of US imperialism

By Bill Van Auken, 20 October 2016

The offensive against Mosul is the latest in a series of US war crimes that have killed, maimed and displaced millions across the Middle East.

Washington moves to silence WikiLeaks

By Bill Van Auken, 19 October 2016

The US political establishment is prepared to use whatever measures are required to prevent a further exposure of the real social and political interests underlying the grotesque 2016 presidential contest.

Is the US election rigged?

By Barry Grey, 18 October 2016

The reactionary character of Trump’s claims that the US election is “rigged” does not lend any credibility to the self-righteous and hypocritical response of the Democratic Party.

The US-directed assault on Mosul and imperialist hypocrisy

By James Cogan, 17 October 2016

In both Syria and Iraq, US objectives are the same: asserting its dominance over the key oil-producing region of the world.

The great diversion: Democrats focus on sex scandal as conflict with Russia escalates

By Andre Damon, 15 October 2016

Behind the scandal-mongering that dominates the presidential election campaign, the United States is weighing a major military escalation against Syria and Russia.

US launches missile strikes against Yemen

By Bill Van Auken, 14 October 2016

Without any debate, the American people are being dragged into an ever-widening war with catastrophic consequences.

Haiti’s hurricane devastation: A tragedy rooted in capitalist oppression

By Bill Van Auken, 13 October 2016

Nearly seven years after the catastrophic earthquake of 2010, Hurricane Matthew has again exposed the historic oppression of the Haitian masses.

The November 5 conference, “Socialism vs. Capitalism and War,” and the building of a new movement against imperialist war

By Eric London and Joseph Kishore, 12 October 2016

Despite the extreme dangers facing the population of the entire world, outside of the International Committee of the Fourth International, there is no organized movement against imperialist war.

Billionaires back Black Lives Matter

By Gabriel Black, 11 October 2016

The $100 million allocated by the Ford Foundation is an acknowledgment by a powerful section of the ruling class that the aims of the Black Lives Matter movement are aligned with its interests.

The Trump scandal and the US gutter election

By Patrick Martin, 10 October 2016

The generally degraded state of American politics entered a new low this weekend following the release of video showing Republican candidate Donald Trump boasting of his ability to use his position of wealth and celebrity to assault women.

One month to the US presidential election—what lies ahead

By Patrick Martin, 8 October 2016

The next president will oversee a deepening global crisis of capitalism, mounting attacks on jobs, living standards and social services at home, and the escalation of military conflicts in the Middle East and against Russia and China.

Fifteen years of the war in Afghanistan

By James Cogan, 7 October 2016

The US has been the central instigator of the Afghan tragedy for a period that now spans 38 years, with a toll in dead and wounded that numbers well over a million people.

Beating the drums for war with Russia

By Bill Van Auken, 6 October 2016

The New York Times and other major media are weighing in on the side of escalating the US intervention in Syria and militarily confronting Russia.