
Shares Race returns with tipsters backing gold miners in front

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Tipsters with portfolios loaded with gold miners and mining services companies have done best in the first week of the first four-week Shares Race of the year.  

This week has been fairly flat for the sharemarket overall, with the S&P;/ASX 200 at about 5700 points.

Our resources companies have been dong well since Trump won the US presidential election in November.

He's promised to spend big on rebuilding US infrastructure.

The prices of many commodities continue to rise, and investors reckon US demand for commodities will keep upward pressure on prices. 

But the gold price, after falling since the US election, has risen since Christmas as investors worry Trump's trade protection policies will hurt economic growth. Gold prices have also benefited from recent weakness in the US dollar.


Chartist Richard Pritchard returns from the summer break to take an early lead with his portfolio at the end of week one worth $111,563.

His star performers include zinc-lead-silver miner Marindi Metals and gold miners Regis Resources, Newcrest Mining and Evolution Mining.

Richard Hemming, author of the Under the Radar report, is in second spot with his portfolio worth $109,788.

His top performer is Data#3, a business technology company.

He has also done well from Swick​ Mining Services, which provides drilling services to the mining industry and Global Construction Services, which provides construction services to the resources and residential and commercial property sectors.

The Shares Race is a fantasy shares game. Contestants start with $100,000 across 10 stocks.