'Of course I want to punch him in the face': Robert De Niro slams Donald Trump AGAIN on The View and says when people are bullies you have to 'bully them back'

  • Robert De Niro said he still wants to punch Donald Trump in the face 
  • The actor reiterated past comments Friday morning in appearance on The View 
  • This time he clarified that his remarks were something he felt Trump should hear
  • De Niro said sometimes when people are bullies you have to 'bully them back'
  • He made similar remarks in clip filmed by non-partisan group #VoteYourFuture
  • The comments were made in October when De Niro started ranting about Trump 
  • He called Trump a 'dog' who 'is blatantly stupid' and said he 'wants to punch him'

Months after proclaiming his distaste for the 45th president of the United States, Robert De Niro still stands firm on his beliefs. 

And it was on full display when he made an appearance on The View Friday morning to promote his new film The Comedian. 

The legendary actor was asked by host Joy Behar about his threat of violence towards then-candidate Trump in October. 

De Niro responded: 'I said that because he said that about somebody, that he would like to punch them in the face. How dare he say that to the crowd? How dare he say the things he does? Of course I want to punch him in the face.' 

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Months after proclaiming his distaste for the 45th president of the United States, Robert De Niro still stands firm on his beliefs. And it was on full display when he made an appearance on The View (pictured) Friday morning to promote his new film The Comedian

The legendary actor was asked by host Joy Behar (left) about his threat of violence towards then-candidate Trump in October. De Niro told her that he still wants to 'punch him in the face'

He told Behar that his comments were 'only a symbolic thing', adding that 'it wasn't like I was going to go find him and punch him in the face'.

De Niro explained that it was something he felt Trump should hear. 

'He's got to hear that, you know, that's how he makes people feel. It's not good to feel that way. 

'It's not good to start that stuff up, but at the same time sometimes when people are bullies like that, that's what you have to do to shut them up. Bully them back.' 

De Niro explained that his comments were something he felt Trump should hear because 'sometimes when people are bullies like that, that's what you have to do to shut them up. Bully them back'

He also told Behar that his comments were 'only a symbolic thing', adding that 'it wasn't like I was going to go find him and punch him in the face'

De Niro was also among the New York celebrities to protest outside Trump Tower on the eve of inauguration and speak out against the incoming president.

In October, while filming a political testimony video for a non-partisan group called #VoteYourFuture, De Niro was asked a question that all participants were asked: 'What do you care about?'

De Niro said what he cares about is the direction of the country -  but to make that point, he had a few choice words for Trump.

'I mean, he's so blatantly stupid. He's a punk. He's a dog. He's a pig. He's a con, a bulls*** artist. A mutt who doesn't know what he's talking about,' De Niro said at the time. 

De Niro continued to hurl insults at the then-Republican presidential nominee for an entire minute.

'He doesn't do his homework, doesn't care. He thinks he's gaming society. He doesn't pay his taxes.

In October, while filming a political testimony video (left) for a non-partisan group called #VoteYourFuture, De Niro went on a rant about Trump and made the initial comments about punching him in the face 

'He's an idiot. Colin Powell said it best, he's a national disaster. He's an embarrassment to this country. 

'It makes me so angry that this country has gotten to this point, that this fool, this bozo has wound up where he has,' De Niro said.

By the video's halfway mark De Niro still hadn't mentioned Trump by name but he continued to throw pointed attacks at him. 

'He talks how he wants to punch people in the face. Well, I'd like to punch him in the face. 

'This is somebody that we want for president? I don't think so. What I care about is the direction of this country. And what I'm very, very worried about is that it might go in the wrong direction with someone like Donald Trump.

'If you care about your future, vote for it,' he said as the video came to a close. 

Most of De Niro's rant didn't make it in to the official #VoteYourFuture video.

Only two lines of De Niro's - none of which came from the rant - made it in to the final star-studded clip, which featured celebrities like Leonardo DiCaprio, Julia Roberts, Olivia Wilde, Kendall Jenner among dozens of other famous famous.

De Niro was an outspoken supporter of Hillary Clinton throughout the election process. 

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