
Experiences better than stuff, parents say

Sara Eastwood wanted to do something about the overflowing toy boxes scattered around her house.

"I have two kids and I realised they were accumulating more than they needed," Eastwood says. "I asked my family to buy the kids experiences instead and was trying to point them to somewhere they could buy something like this, and there just wasn't anywhere."

As a solution, she launched the website MyBestGift – a range of experiences for kids – and it's hit a nerve with plenty of families.

"There is this big No Gift movement, and other parents are feeling the same way I was feeling," Eastwood says. "It's about moving away from materialism, and it's also about not having enough space for all this stuff we're accumulating."

Professor Sharon Beder, author of This Little Kiddy Went to Market, agrees with the idea that consumerism has gone too far.

"Children are bombarded with commercial messages and marketing from the time they get up to the time they go to bed," Beder says.


"It means they are learning to define themselves by their possessions rather than who they are, and that the route to happiness is through having more things rather than their accomplishments or relationships."

However, she doesn't believe that buying experiences is the solution. "There's still that same message that you buy happiness and you buy good experiences."

Donna Armstrong, founder of Our Little Foxes, which compiles monthly craft subscription boxes for kids, believes it's our habits and ability to access products that have changed, rather than consciously raising a generation of consumers.

"I think our parents felt the same pressure, but the ability to shop was very different," she says. "The opportunity to get to the shops and buy good products was limited, so they probably saved those consumerist moments for birthdays and Christmas, whereas now the ability to shop is 24/7."

Her business was built around the idea of giving children "stuff" to create fun, although she admits the ideology behind this is evolving.

"We've come a long way in realising that families want quality time and greater experiences together, so we're shifting from the monthly box model to something that comes less often," Armstrong says. "We're piloting a family program that delivers ideas for simple, quality experiences for families to have together."

This also involves families committing to spending more time together.

"Our 7 Minutes 7 Days Pledge is about taking seven minutes a day where being with your children is your No. 1 priority," Armstrong says. "We get parents to take the pledge and we SMS them each day with a simple, easy, fun idea that won't cost them any money; it's about having a memorable, magical experience together."

Taking her career in this direction feels like a good fit to Armstrong. "I'm a big advocate of family time; in my own family we've made decisions that have helped us build a strong and unbreakable bond with our kids and now my career feels aligned with what I feel passionate about," she says.

Eastwood shares this feeling, and, although her business encourages people to buy experiences, she says it's better than the alternative: "We all have friends, families and ourselves who want to buy things for our children, and it's about giving things that are more meaningful," Eastwood says. "Stuff comes and goes, but experiences become part of who you are, and spending time with us is what our kids really want."