Recent News

11 tips for protecting your privacy and digital security in the age of Trump

Many fear how the Trump admin will use surveillance to stifle dissent. Here's a beginner's guide to upping your privacy and security game. 

How journalists can protect themselves while covering protests

For journalists covering political movements, reporting on protests is crucial, but these events come with unique security challenges. Here's how you can better protect your privacy and security. 

Incredible news: President Obama has commuted the sentence of whistleblower Chelsea Manning

Brave whistleblower Chelsea Manning will be released from prison on May 17th, rather than in 2045. 


Crowdfunding Campaigns

Encryption Tools for Journalists

Help journalists protect their sources. 

$3,734 Raised
$100,000 Goal


Donate to Signal, encrypted calls and texts made easy.

$13,204 Raised
$100,000 Goal

Transparency for Police Fund

Investigating the investigators. 

$755 Raised
$100,000 Goal


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