Road planned for 50 years could cost West Australian Liberal Premier Colin Barnett power

Well-organised protesters have used Facebook to mobilise hundreds of people daily against the Roe 8 highway extension.
Well-organised protesters have used Facebook to mobilise hundreds of people daily against the Roe 8 highway extension. Facebook

West Australian Premier Colin Barnett's plan to finish a ring road around Perth could cost his Coalition government power.

A new stretch of highway that would remove thousands of trucks from the streets of southern Perth has emerged as one of the most contentious issues of the state election campaign, which officially kicked off on Wednesday when writs were issued setting out the deadline for nominations and the timing of the election.

Labor Opposition Leader Mark McGowan has vowed to cancel the $540 million project, which has been marred by daily protests, dozens of arrests, a court challenge and a naked woman who lived in a tree.

Labor leads the Coalition 52 to 48 per cent, according to a Reachtel poll.

Musician John Butler has thrown his support behind stopping the Roe 8 development.
Musician John Butler has thrown his support behind stopping the Roe 8 development. Facebook

The five-kilometre extension of the Roe Highway, officially dubbed Roe 8, is part of the Perth Freight Link, a heavy haulage route designed to improve access to Fremantle port. Ultimately, the Coalition government hopes it will contribute to an increase in the economic output of what it calls the Western Trade Coast to $28.3 billion a year from $15.5 billion now.

Opponents are unhappy the road will cut through the Beeliar Wetlands, a home to swans and other birds used for bushwalking, picnics and birdwatching. Businesses are desperate for the road to go ahead because it could remove 2000 trucks a day from the Leach Highway and thousands more from surrounding roads.

'Bad precedent'

"It's the moral issue of the campaign, just as old growth forests was the moral issue in 2000 when [Labor's Geoff] Gallop won," said Peter Newman, a Curtain University sustainability professor who has been campaigning against the road since 1975.

"The Libs think it's good to take on environmentalists and show them who is boss, following Trump and Brexit.

"The business community in WA is absolutely furious at the prospect of the contract being torn up after it had been signed and work commenced," said Deidre Willmott, the chief executive of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australia. "It sets a very bad precedent."

The protesters are well organised. Using Facebook they have mobilised hundreds of protesters daily, leading the police to deploy dozens of officers and horses. The protesters also launched legal action that unexpectedly led the state's Chief Justice in December to invalidate the state environmental approval on procedural grounds. He was quickly overruled by an appeals court. The High Court refused to get involved.

About 20 opponents of the project stood outside federal Environment Minister Josh Frydenberg's office in suburban Melbourne last Friday, prompting staff inside to call the federal police and warn Mr Frydenberg not to arrive by the front door. Mr Frydenberg granted federal approvals for the road.

On January 20, police officers used a cherry picker to remove a naked female protester who had lived in a tree for 10 days on the site. The woman yelled to supporters on the ground while police put a harness around her waist and removed thumb locks that attached her to a tree. "Until there is one tree left, we won't stop," she called out.

The project is being led by CPB Constructors, which is a unit of CIMIC. Bulldozing of trees this week prompted the arrest of 38 protesters.

"Underneath the once shady and beautiful trees were live turtle eggs, artefacts from Whadjuk Noongar culture and shelter for the thousands of local people who pass by on their walks or rides around Lake Walliabup or Bibra Lake as it is widely known," the Save Beeliar Wetlands group wrote on Facebook Tuesday. "There are 40 days left of the Barnett government's final term of office."

The 100 hectares affected represent 0.5 per cent of the Beeliar Wetlands, the state government says. The government, which has been in power since 2008, has declared itself the "underdog", although it has a big 17-seat majority in the 59-seat lower house.

The highway fight is a replay of the 2014 Victorian election, when the Labor opposition promised to renege on a contract to build a toll road across the northern part of Melbourne.

"It's not really clear who it advantages or disadvantages but it will be a big issue either way," said William Bowe, a political analyst at the University of Western Australia.

Correction: An earlier version of this article said the Roe Eight project would cost $450 billion instead of $540 million.