The magic of the Milky Way: Stunning photos of desolate landmarks are captured under a blaze of twinkling stars

  •  Photographer Oscar Keserci is self-taught and has only been shooting nocturnal landscapes since 2013
  •  Finnish photographer shoots celestial displays above Kirkkonummi in Finland and on annual trips to Rhodes 
  •  His breath-taking captures of the Milky Way have attracted a legion of fans on both Facebook and Instagram

A self-taught photographer from Finland has captured the mesmerising beauty of the Milky Way over the island of Rhodes, Greece, and in his homeland near Kirkkonummi.

Oscar Keserci’s jaw-dropping images show silhouettes of solitary trees, deserted beaches, empty roads and solo figures illuminated by the dramatic explosion of a million stars above.

Mr Keserci told MailOnline Travel that night photography takes a lot of planning to get the best results with ‘many hours of driving’ and ‘staying up all night' involved. 

He said: ‘Watching the stars, the Milky way and the Northern Lights is something magical which we are not able to witness during day time. Also, I really like the silence and the feeling of being alone.’

The talented photographer took up his craft in 2013 after moving back to Finland having spent much of his life growing up in Rhodes.

He shoots on two different DSLR cameras using long exposures, a wide lens and tripod. Alongside the nocturnal scenes Mr Keserci also takes stunning landscape pictures and has amassed a following of over 10,000 fans on Facebook and 4,000 on Instagram.

A self-taught photographer from Finland has captured the mesmerising beauty of the Milky Way over the island of Rhodes, Greece, and at home in Finland. Above is a shot of a dramatic night panorama in Inkoo, Finland

Oscar Keserci’s jaw-dropping images show silhouettes of solitary trees, deserted beaches, empty roads and solo figures illuminated by the dramatic explosion of millions of stars above. Left is a picture he called God's Creation, shot on a summer visit to Rhodes. Mr Keserci said he 'wanted to find the darkest place on the island' so travelled with friends to Attaviros mountain, Rhode's highest point to achieve this shot. The photograph on the right was also captured in Rhodes and is named Starry Night 

This wistful twilight image was taken in Inkoo, Finland, and is called Pier of Dreams. Mr Keserci told MailOnline: 'Mostly I visit the same places again and again in order to get to know the places better. Although I use the same places, the nature always provides possibilities for different kinds of pictures. I never end up with the same pictures'

The talented photographer took up his craft in 2013 after moving back to Finland, having spent much of his life growing up in Rhodes. Left, the Milky way swirls above Jurmo in Finland and right, it illuminates a rocky beach in Rhodes,Greece 

He added: 'Through my pictures I try to give inspiration to other photographers and also show moments of the night that most people have never witnessed.' Above is a dreamy coastal shot of Jurmo, Finland

The image on the left is called Road to Universe and was shot in the photographer's hometown of  Kirkkonummi, Finland. Right, this stark landscape was captured at Jurmo

The last man on Earth: This solitary figure stands alone against a black night in Jurmo. The photographer praised the open landscapes and the lack of light pollution as the perfect conditions for celestial photography

Keserci said: ‘Watching the stars, the Milky way and the Northern Lights is something magical which we are not able to witness during day time. Also, I really like the silence and the feeling of being alone.’ Right, Kopparnäs and left, Kirkkonummi, both in Finland

Alongside the nocturnal scenes Mr Keserci also takes stunning landscape pictures and has amassed a following of over 10,000 fans on Facebook and 4,000 on Instagram. This vibrant fantasy shot shows the Milky Way over Jurmo

Alone II, left, was taken in Rhodes, Greece, and Falling Star, right, was snapped in Somero, Finland

Mr Kerseci told MailOnline: 'Night photography needs really good planning to get better results, many hours [are spent] driving sometimes and of course staying up all night.' Right, a bale of hay is snapped at Harvest time in Kimito, Finland, and left, stars are reflected in the water at Inkoo in Finland

Keserci added: 'Being out in the nature at night is a really different feeling than being out during day time. I find night photography much more interesting' Above is a shot called of the Milky Way rising over Kopparnäs

To create the startling otherworldly captures, Mr Keserci uses a DSLR which can shoot long exposures, a wide lens and a tripod.  Left is Inkoo, Finland, and right, an eerie lone boat on a lake at Kirkkonummi, Finland

Endles skies: A single home lit up under a starry sky looks appealing in this lakeside shot in Jurmo, Finland

The inky skies filled with clouds and a scattering of stars look like paintings in this pair of images. Left, a barren tree at Inkoo and right an image of the old windmill at Kirkkonummi that is made of a composite picture of two exposures

Mr Keserci's striking shot of a cottage is actually a composite of two images with the foreground taken in Kirkkonummi and the sky snapped in Rhodes

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