'The fumes might be toxic and I've still got your money!' J.K. Rowling tweets VERY sassy retorts to Harry Potter fans who threatened to burn her books after she criticized President Trump

  • The billionaire Harry Potter author has been vocal on social media about her opinions on politics and human rights
  • This has inspired some of her fans to turn against her and threaten to throw out all of their Potter paraphernalia - and send nasty tweets
  • Rowling sometimes fires back with funny, biting responses, telling one 'former' fan that she'd clearly learned nothing from her novels 

Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling is quite vocal on social media about her opinions on politics and human rights — leading some of her 'fans' to desert her.

But Rowling, who has an estimated net worth of about a billion dollars (or about £790,000,000), isn't much phased. In fact, she's not just letting the mean tweets roll of her back — she's answering them with a charming amount of sass.

Some of her recent Twitter quips and comebacks have earned especially enthusiastic applause from many of her 9.34 million followers.

Who cares? J.K. Rowling has been firing back at those who say they're getting rid of her books due to the opinions she tweets

Blind: Rowling pointed out to this former fan that she seemed to miss the point of the Harry Potter stories entirely 

Woohoo! The billionare didn't care if this one burned his books, since she already has his money, anyway

So good: She implied that anyone who call her books 'stories about a nerd who turns people into frogs' probably can't actually read

Rowling has been regularly tweeting and retweeting information and articles critical of Donald Trump, the US Muslim ban, and other Trump policies.

Some of her followers are angry about this, and have told her so. Most recently, a 'former' fan wrote: 'Just burned all my Harry Potter books after being a fan for 17 years. The Phils. Stone was one of the first books I EVER read. I'm upset it has to be that way... You embarrassed me, disgusted me, and I will never read your work again.' 

While some fans might point out that this young person appears to be cutting off her nose to spite her face, Rowling came up with a much more cutting reply, referencing the fact that the reader clearly didn't learn much about her series, which is about overcoming tyrants.

'Guess it's true what they say: you can lead a girl to books about the rise and fall of an autocrat, but you still can't make her think,' she replied.

Spelling burn! Ever the English teacher, Rowling correct this tweeter's spelling

Expert: She made fun of this person, who criticized her anonymously

She certainly can turn a phrase! Another man called her an 'old whore' but stupidly missed the point of the exchange

Ladies, stand up! She's a clear supporter of the Women's March, though this feminist tweet was sent out in October

The day before, another former fan tweeted that he planned to 'burn all your books and movies too'.

Rowling also answered him, screengrabing his tweet and blocking out his name to protect his anonymity — and, most likely, to protect the tweet, which the person may have deleted soon after. 

'Well, the fumes from the DVDs might be toxic and I've still got your money, so by all means borrow my lighter,' she quipped.

She also had a comeback for a man who called her 'a grown a** woman whose entire career is based on stories about a nerd who turns people into frogs' — seemingly conveniently forgetting that those stories earned her a billion dollars and are beloved by million. 'Stay out of politics,' he concluded.

Sarcasm: Those who tweet her seem to think they really matter to her

Biting: She doesn't even shy away from insulting a critic's (tiny) manhood

Accomplished: The Potter books have sold over 400 million copies worldwide and have been translated into 68 languages

'In - Free - Countries - Anyone - Can - Talk - About - Politics,' she replied. 'Try sounding out the syllables aloud, or ask a fluent reader to help.'

Though she has definitely  turned up the sass on Twitter these past couple of weeks, it has existed on her social media pages for ages.

In October, when a new user tweeted that she was burning everything made by Rowling in her home, the author shot back condescendingly while commenting on the woman's lack of photo: 'A baby orange Twitter egg! They're so cute at this age.'

When, that same month, someone asked if it was 'lonely' up on her high horse, she replied: 'Gosh, no, I've got several million women sitting beside me.'

So cute! Though many people try to take on the highly-successful author with a tweet, their words don't seem to make a difference

The big bad: Rowling even took on the Westboro Baptist Church in 2015

Witty retort: The 'church' wrote an anti-gay tweet about Albus Dumbledore, to which she had the perfect response

One man told her he'd never read or watched Harry Potter and didn't intend to, to which she said sarcastically: 'So this is what it feels like when your life suddenly loses all meaning.'

In 2015, she took on the entire Westboro Baptist Church, which tweeted: '@jk_rowling wants Dumbledore & Gandalf to marry in Ireland; if it happens, WBC will picket!'

'Alas, the sheer awesomeness of such a union in such a place would blow your tiny bigoted minds out of your thick sloping skulls,' she said.

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