Smart Sipping

Luke McCarthy

A professional barman in one of Australia’s most revered whisky establishments, Luke McCarthy has also travelled the world to learn more about the spirits he serves. The result is two parts drinks culture and one part global trends, served with a dash of critical assessment.

Prohibition Bathtub Cut Gin is one of the 20 best Aussie spirits of 2016.

Smart Sipping

20 of the best new Aussie spirits

From gin to brandy, these are the most interesting Aussie tipples to come in 2016.

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  • This article contains a photo gallery
When it comes to cocktails, American whiskey is fantastic for mixing.

Smart Sipping

One reason to still love America

Perhaps it's time to remember one of the USA's great gifts to the world: bourbon whiskey.

  • Contains:
  • This article contains a photo gallery