Daily Life

Sleep camp: how nature can help us sleep better

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Could camping be the answer to our sleep problems or, at least, provide insights into how we can improve our sleep? Yes, says a new study published in the journal Current Biology.

Our bodies keep time using a highly-attuned clock that releases certain hormones when it's time to sleep and others when it's time to wake. This clock has traditionally been powered by the sun - as it goes down, melatonin (the 'sleep' hormone) starts being produced and, as the sun rises, the melatonin production drops off and the cortisol production starts up.

Spending less time in natural light and more time, at night, in computer light however has messed with our circadian rhythm. 

It is little surprise then that about 10 per cent of Australians suffer from sleep disorders, while many more of us are not getting enough of it.

So, researchers from the University of Colorado decided to take participants camping for the weekend to see if the natural circadian rhythm could be restored by time in nature, and more specifically, time in natural light.

In one experiment participants had their hormone levels tested and sleep patterns measured while in their normal environment (AKA where they were exposed to artificial light).


Then they had their levels and sleep measured after a weekend in the backcountry camping where they were exposed to sunlight, moonlight, and campfires; no flashlights or personal electronic devices were allowed. 

The melatonin rise and sleep started earlier (by about two and a half hours) while they were camping.

"Late circadian and sleep timing in modern society are associated with negative performance and health outcomes such as morning sleepiness and accidents, reduced work productivity and school performance, substance abuse, mood disorders, diabetes, and obesity," says Kenneth Wright at the University of Colorado Boulder. 

"Our findings demonstrate that living in our modern environments contributes to late circadian timing regardless of season and that a weekend camping trip can reset our clock rapidly."

Dr Maree Barnes, president of the Australian Sleep Health Foundation says we don't need to go back to the bush to reap the benefits and reset our natural rhythm.

"It's not the camping per se... it's more being out in nature and going to bed when the sun goes down and waking up when the sun rises," she says.

Indeed previous research by the University of Colorado team found a weekend of exposure to natural light (this doesn't mean direct sunlight) was enough to achieve a 69 per cent shift in circadian rhythm.

We tend to forget that our bodies are natural, but not living in their natural state, Barnes says.

"There are certainly benefits to an organised, civilised society," she says. "The problem is when we try to burn the candle at both ends - staying up late and getting up early.

"If we can get away from that and focus on doing the right thing for our bodies, then that's got to be a good thing."

She adds that many people try to "muck around" with their circadian rhythm, seeing how little sleep they can get away with and still function.

"Sleep is not only necessary for our health but for our enjoyment of life," she says.

The study is a reminder to expose ourselves to natural light when we can and a reminder to go to bed earlier.

"Melatonin starts to rise at 9 or 10 and peaks at about 2am before dropping off as the sun rises," she explains. "If you're sleeping in till 10am your melatonin is pretty low so your sleep is not quite as good - it's more dozing - as if you went to bed a couple of hours earlier.

"We need to take our sleep seriously. Sleep at an appropriate time and don't try to muck around with your circadian rhythm."

Circadian rhythm and temperature

Our body clock is not just affected by light, but temperature as well.

Barnes explains that some research has found that when we wake up is related to when the temperature starts to increase. 

"It's not just about the sun starting to come up," she says, adding that the body's ideal sleeping temp is about 20 to 22 degrees.

To help regulate our temperature so we can sleep better, author and life 'hacker' Tim Ferriss highly recommends the ChilliPad, which is a thin sheet or pad that allows you to set your desired temperature - and you can have different temperatures on each side of the bed, in case your partner prefers it warmer or cooler. 

Barnes says it is a good idea, but isn't as convinced about its effectiveness in reality.

 "If two people are sleeping under the same blanket, the air under the blanket would be at the same temperature on both sides of the bed. So sleeping on a cooler mattress would help, certainly, but the air around your body would be the same as your partner's," she says. 

Good sleep hygiene can help us get a good night rest

The Australian Centre for Sleep Education suggests these tips if you have trouble sleeping:

  • No TV/computer games 1 hour before bed. No TVs in bedrooms
  • Monitor mobile phone use in bed
  • No caffeine, high sugar or high spicy food 3 to 4 hours before bed
  • Ensure relaxing and regular bedtime routine - relaxation techniques such as breathing
  • No vigorous exercise one hour before bed as it raises the body temperature
  • Finish eating 2 to 3 hours before bed - digestion competes with sleeping - hot milk is OK
  • Make sure the bedroom is comfortable (temperature, light, noise)
  • Set bedtimes and wake times - try and keep these regular
  • Learn to relax  - deal with worry and stress
  • Use a sleep diary to check how many hours you are sleeping - are you sleeping enough?