Here Comes Success


Fifth Estate # 373, Fall 2006

Just before 1998, he started taking advice from the talking crow. It started like you might have imagined. The crow was perched on a spindly branch near the hospital parking lot. It quietly assessed him.

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The Food Court at Guantanamo


Fifth Estate # 374, Winter 2007

The release of several reports this fall concerning environmental collapse has introduced us to a new and powerful way to discuss nature, one that we may have overlooked in our concern for life.

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The Third Sex


Fifth Estate # 375, Spring 2007

“The Authorities came to their Adam. And, when they saw his female counterpart speaking with him they became agitated and they became enamored with her. They said, ‘Come, let us sow our seed in her.’ “And, she laughed at them

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Victorian Proto-punk, Riot Grrls


Fifth Estate # 378, Summer 2008

In 1903, two young sisters, Helen and Olivia Rossetti, published a novel under the pseudonym Isabel Meredith, chronicling their lives as radicals, propagandists, and key figures in the European anarchist movement of that era. Prior to that, while still in

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Down and Out in Athens


Fifth Estate # 378, Summer 2008

Set in the red light district of Athens, Greece in the late 1980s, Cara Hoffman’s cult classic novel, Nike, is about getting by at the periphery. It chronicles the lives of a group of young expatriates from a global culture

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Rachel Pollack is Willing to Change Everything


Fifth Estate # 380, Spring 2009

Rachel Pollack is the author of six novels, two collections of short stories, and 21 works of nonfiction, including the classic 78 Degrees of Wisdom, one of the most important contemporary guides to interpreting the tarot. She is the recipient

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The Jumper

by ,

Fifth Estate # 380, Spring 2009

Often when I say “she” or “you” I mean me. I mean me when I tell you this story but I will say “you.”

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All Lookouts Clamped on Paradise


Fifth Estate # 381, Summer-Fall 2009

Robert Louis Stevenson wrote this fine bit of gangster rap in 1883: Fifteen men of the whole ship’s list Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum! Dead and bedamned and the rest gone whist! Yo ho ho and a

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