Weekly Guide to Pregnancy: Week 11

Week 11
Week 11 

Your Baby

How big is my baby?

Your baby is approximately 44-60mm (1.75-2.4 inches) long and weighs about 8 grams (0.3 ounces). Rapid growth occurs during this time period, so it's not surprising that you're feeling tired!

The head is still large, and takes up almost half of the entire length of the body. The eyes are formed, although the eyelids remain closed while they continue to develop. The rest of the face is also formed. Your baby's body has straightened out, and bones and ribs appear.

Although your baby can now respond to touch, you won't yet be able to feel it move. Nutrients pass from your body into the placenta and umbilical cord to feed your baby and support his/her rapid growth.

Your Pregnancy

What pregnancy symptoms will I be experiencing?

Your uterus may be palpable, or able to be felt, above your pubic bone.

You should be eating a healthy diet from all food groups. An extra serve of calcium per day is really the only extra intake that is needed during pregnancy. It is recommended that you avoid soft, unpasteurised or blue veined cheese or any pate to reduce the risk of infection. While it is important not to gain excessive weight (it can be hard to remove following the birth), pregnancy is definitely NOT the time to diet. Your baby takes all of its nutrition directly from you and extra fat stores is the best source of nutrition. The depletion of certain vitamins can affect your health, so it's important to maintain a balanced diet.

Dental problems can often occur during pregnancy so it is recommended that you have regular dental checks. Due to hormone changes in pregnancy, a woman's gums tend to be softer, which can lead to bleeding gums. Regular brushing and flossing can help prevent this problem. If you do need dental work, make sure your dentist knows that you are pregnant, and try to leave treatment until after 12 weeks of pregnancy if possible. Avoid general anaesthetic and X-rays, and consult your health care professional before having any dental work done, and before taking antibiotics or pain relief.

It is important to tell any health professional that you are pregnant before they start any treatment.

Learn more about your pregnancy

Read more information on Pregnancy and Birth on Essential Baby.

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The First Trimester

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The Second Trimester

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The Third Trimester

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