Why toddlers and chocolate-themed make-up don't mix

Lauren's niece and the eye shdaow palette.
Lauren's niece and the eye shdaow palette. Photo: Twitter

Small children will gravitate to an unattended make-up bag like moths gravitate to light. They just can't help themselves.

My own children have raided my make up bag more times than I can remember, all with varying results.

Once, my then two-year-old smeared an entire lipstick over her face. She was extremely pleased with her efforts, despite looking like an Oompa Loompa.

If my regular make up is enough to attract little kids, then anyone buying chocolate-themed make up really doesn't stand a chance.

So Californian woman Lauren Rincon shouldn't have been surprised when her toddler niece raided her 'Too Faced Chocolate Bar' eye shadow palette.

The palette contained a chocolate-inspired collection of eye shadow made from cocoa powder. It even smell like chocolate.

Yep, the poor kid didn't really have a choice.

Taking to Twitter to share the results, Rincon said: "My niece ate my Too Faced Chocolate Bar palette because it smells like chocolate."

"I don't know if I should cry or laugh."

In a photo, the confused little girl can be seen covered in eye shadow.

The tweet quickly went viral, gathering 300 retweets in under a minute.

Rincon later tweeted an update about "her baby" (Note: she means her eye shadow, not her niece.)

"After a million q-tips and napkins later I was able to save my baby, except for a few colours," she wrote.

But her followers were not impressed and accused her of caring more about her makeup than her niece.

Rincon then reassured everyone that her niece was fine.

"Most of it was just smeared on her face/clothes," she tweeted.

"[The make up brand] let me know that there [aren't] any harmful ingredients, but [we will] definitely take her to the doctors if she shows any signs of sickness."

The story does have a happy ending: Too Faced, the brand that made the eye shadow, contacted Rincon to say they were going to send her a brand new palette.

And who know, perhaps Rincon's niece will go on to become a make-up artist.

Or maybe she'll make like an Oompa Loompa and get a job in a chocolate factory.