- published: 16 Sep 2016
- views: 10806
Joanna is a feminine given name deriving from Koine Greek Ἰωάννα Iōanna from Hebrew יוֹחָנָה Yôḥānnāh meaning 'God is gracious'. Variants in English include Joan, Joann, Joanne, and Johanna. Other forms of the name in English are Jan, Jane, Janet, Janice, Jean, and Jeanne.
The earliest recorded occurrence of the name Joanna, in Luke 8:3, refers to the disciple "Joanna the wife of Chuza," who was an associate of Mary Magdalene. Her name as given is Greek in form, although it ultimately originated from the Hebrew masculine name יְהוֹחָנָן Yehôḥānān or יוֹחָנָן Yôḥānān meaning 'God is gracious'. In Greek this name became Ιωαννης Iōannēs, from which Iōanna was derived by giving it a feminine ending. The original Latin form Joanna was used in English to translate the equivalents in other languages; for example, Juana la Loca is known in English as Joanna the Mad. The variant form Johanna originated in Latin in the Middle Ages, by analogy with the Latin masculine name Johannes. The Greek form lacks a medial -h- because in Greek /h/ could only occur initially.
All the Wrong Spies | 我愛夜來香(1983)【林青霞的第67部電影】【國語中字】
COVER: 叩叩 (Knock Knock) by 李玟 (Coco Lee)
2016上海热波音乐节 李玟 爱之初体验 shanghai zebra music festival coco lee
張靜初 - 玫瑰玫瑰我愛你 (13.09.28.第29屆電影金雞獎頒獎典禮)
A Love Story
YY神曲 小小呵——《Faded》
文er (Wener) [娛+] (YY 2924) - 魔鬼中的天使.avi
請讚好 http://www.facebook.com/crazyhk.page 故事簡介 : 上海浦東長大的小子成器,在水果店工作勤懇 好學。大器喜歡鄰居的京劇 演員葉知秋。自小漂亮出眾,跟父親學刀馬旦一心在舞台上人頭地兩人青梅竹馬,甚是甜蜜。 可惜好景不常,水果店老闆娘與警察局長私通卻被大器撞破。於是誣陷大器強姦老闆娘,慘被判監。幸在獄中得到國民黨的特務茅載救他脫險器遂蒼皇逃走。葉知秋一直等不到大消息,只好隻身赴北京學藝兩人從此失去聯絡。 成大器在上海投向當時權傾一的洪壽亭旗下,任職打手被妻子凌滬生慧眼賞識,她也全力提拔成大器為洪壽亭手下的第一紅人。不贊成使用暴力, 他擅於談判願意利益共享往能化干戈為玉帛。 洪壽亭迷戀女色,荒廢事業全交了給成大器打理造就迅速上位。他少年得志,而且交上了海第一美人「溢春園阿寶」對王公巨賈都不假辭色,但對大器卻一往情深可惜她發現無論如何疼寵在的心目中永遠都只能是第二位,一始終音訊全無的葉知秋。 洪壽亭為了女人而毒打軍閥兒子,卻反被隊尋仇綁走。成大器智勇兼備單槍匹馬去救洪壽亭,而且掙足了面子回來這一把搏得全上海的掌聲令他終於成為上海一代梟雄之首。 人到中年的成大器,已是一方之雄聲譽與地位超越了他師父洪壽 亭。在 上海幾乎已無人匹敵,但日本在的野心與霸道成為他最大難題。此時,當年救他一命的茅載已成為大特務頭子野心勃以權謀私令器不得委曲求存。 重壓力加在成大器肩上,令他一直難以取捨。而就這時竟遇了多年不見的葉知秋,同時發現原來她已作人婦...... 導演 : 王晶 主演 : 周潤發、黃曉明、洪金寶、吳鎮宇
This is my latest cover of 李玟's amazing song 叩叩 or Knock Knock. I really like this song - but even more so, I was really impressed by Coco. If you get time, you should go and check out the original song as well - and the MV if you have time. She's 38 by the way - not that you'd have any idea from the movie because she looks about 25...if that. If I look like that at 38, I'll be amazed. Oh, and she studied medical biology at university of California...she's pretty awesome!!
Directed and Produced by Yuri Thao(me). Actors and actresses: Quinten Schleicher, Joe Lindner, and Sophia Nichols. This is my Film 117 Project. The theme I chose for this was "Impressions that are disappearing." I hope you all enjoy it. I know it's not the best but you can favorite, like, and comment! Thanks for watching. Song used: Joanna Wang - Now(english version) No Copyright Intended
【World Youtuber School 網路行銷賺錢】 : http://goo.gl/qJaUrh 【Facebook】 : https://goo.gl/MLWLRL 【Youtube】: https://goo.gl/3h7F0R【YY 2924 文er 演唱歌曲清單】 : https://goo.gl/agFAEV 【Microphone】 : Neumann U87 Ai【Recording】 : ICON AIO 6 + Samplitude Pro X2 Suite VST Plugins ╭=☆╯↬ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ 全球流行音樂年度盛典 Global Chinese Golden Chart : https://goo.gl/htdGnd Music Radio 中國 TOP 音樂盛典 : https://goo.gl/BFhPD4 2015 YY 娛樂 年度盛典 : https://goo.gl/B6ZF0Z Popular Music : https://goo.gl/4v5Z8I YY 2924 文er 演唱歌曲清單 : https://goo.gl/agFAEV YY 2086 風小箏(覃沐曦)演唱歌曲清單 : https://goo.gl/MxVBtS YY 4578 小小呵 演唱歌曲清單 : https://goo.gl/mlBRH5 YY 2391 沈...