'I'm gonna play it like it's a dive bar!' Lady Gaga gives insight into 'full on' Super Bowl halftime show

She's booked the biggest gig of her career.

But Lady Gaga insisted she would play the Super Bowl half-time show 'like it's a dive bar' as she talked to Good Morning America on Friday.

'When you play a dive bar my philosophy has always been that you should play it like it's The Garden,' she said, referring to Madison Square Garden.

'I'm gonna play it like it's a dive bar!' Lady Gaga shares insight into 'full on cardio' Super Bowl half-time show in an interview

'When you play a dive bar my philosophy has always been that you should play it like it's The Garden,' she said, referring to Madison Square Garden

'So when I play the NLG stadium in Houston I'm gonna play it like it's a dive bar. I'm gonna do it my way.'

The 30-year-old will take to the stage this Sunday as the New England Patriots take on the Atlanta Falcons in the eagerly awaited annual clash.

She told GMA's Michael Strahan, that her show would be a physical one.

Big gig: The 30-year-old will take to the stage this Sunday as the New England Patriots take on the Atlanta Falcons in the eagerly awaited annual clash

Compliments: Strahan himself is a Super Bowl Champion from his 15 years playing professional American Football, but he told Gaga he was in awe of her preparation

'Well, I work out a lot. I do versa climbing while I sing.

'The show is full on cardio, my performance is most of the time. But I'm singing.' 

Strahan himself is a Super Bowl Champion from his 15 years playing professional American Football for the New York Giants, but he told Gaga he was in awe of her preparation - saying she was surely more in shape than some of the players.

She demurred: 'No I'm not. It's a different kind of shape.

'It's a different kind of game.'

Strahan's full interview with Gaga will air on Fox before the SuperBowl this Sunday.

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