'I started doing hard drugs at age 12': Khloe Kardashian listens intently as latest Revenge Body contestant reveals she turned to meth to get thin 

Khloe Kardashian has a lot to take on her new series.

In a teaser for the next episode of Revenge Body With Khloe Kardashian, the 32-year-old Keeping Up With The Kardashians star looks sympathetic as contestant Jessy tells her sad story. 

'I started doing hard drugs when I was 12, tried everything,' she said in a confessional. 'By the time I was 15, I discovered meth. And I was so skinny. I never liked being high. I hated being high. I loved being skinny. That was the entire reason I did it.'

Heavy duty: Khloe Kardashian looks sympathetic as contestant Jessy tells her sad story in a teaser for the next Revenge Body

The sit-down: 'I started doing hard drugs when I was 12, tried everything,' Jessy said in a confessional

Before the interview began, Jessy was on the ebullient side in her confessionals, saying: 'I have the biggest girl-crush on Khloe. I love her.'

Once she sat down opposite the 32-year-old reality star, Jessy began to effuse: 'Look at you, Jesus. You’re a masterpiece, girl. I mean, your body is ridiculous. You have, like, a waist like a whisper and an ass like a planet,' to a laugh from Kardashian. 

On every episode of the E! series, which began January 12, the reality star helps two contestants work through emotional baggage whilst remaking their figures.

Turbulent past: She added, 'By the time I was 15, I discovered meth, and I was so skinny'

Soon enough, Jessy's interview with the star of the show turned to the meat of the matter, with the contestant saying: 'I’ve battled with weight issues my whole life.'

Said she: 'My whole childhood – my grandfather was a Marine Corps captain, and he used to say that being overweight is a sign of personal weakness.'

She added: 'My mom was raised the same way, and she was put on diet pills when she was eight years old, stayed on them till she was 32.'

'I never liked being high': She told the hostess during their interview that 'I hated being high,' but that 'I loved being skinny,' which 'was the entire reason I did it'

Jessy explained her mother 'was trying to help me understand, like, if you’re thin and you’re beautiful and you’re confident and you exude confidence, then the doors will open and you’ll have – the world will lay at your feet.'

She said she knew what her mother meant, but 'went about it the wrong way.'

The guest star added: 'I developed such issues with food.'

When Khloe followed up: 'Does your mom know?' Jesse replied: 'No,' saying in a confessional: 'I’m so sensitive about food things because I’m so used to being barked at by my mom.'

Concept: On every episode of the E! series, which began January 12, the reality star helps two contestants work through emotional baggage whilst remaking their figures

Back in her interview, she revealed that 'my smallest was when I was on drugs. And I never liked being high. I hated being high. I loved being skinny. That was the entire reason I did it.'

During the following confessional, she filled in the details: 'I started doing hard drugs when I was 12, tried everything. By the time I was 15, I discovered meth. And I was so skinny. It’s the only time in my entire life I remember my mom being off my back.' 

As she remembered, 'My drug addiction got so bad, I was homeless for a few months, and that’s when I was like: "I don’t care if I get fat. I don’t care if I’m 5,000 pounds. I can’t do this anymore."'

The forthcoming episode of Revenge Body With Khloe Kardashian - its fourth - will air on E! this Thursday at 8pm. It'll be available in the UK & Ireland Fridays on hayu, reality on demand.

Troubled relationship: Jessy revealed her mother encouraged her to lose weight but 'went about it the wrong way, and I became – I developed such issues with food,' and her period of drug abuse was 'the only time in my entire life I remember my mom being off my back'

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