My big fat fabulous pregnancy! Reality star Whitney Thore confirms she's expecting

It's safe to say Whitney Thore didn't see this one coming.

The My Big Fat Fabulous Life star revealed she's pregnant to her ex-boyfriend, Lennie Alehat, in the January 31 episode of the reality show.

Branding it her 'immaculate-misconception', Whitney was shocked by her baby news, even taking three pregnancy tests, after believing she couldn't conceive due to suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome.

Baby bombshell: The January 31 episode of My Big Fat Fabulous Life saw its star, Whitney Thore, coming to terms with her surprise pregnancy

Taking the test: The disbelieving star took three pregnancy tests, all of which came back positive

After every test came back positive, the visibly shaken 32-year-old began to cry.

She then had to break the news to Lennie, who she was worried would be less than thrilled by the idea of becoming a dad.

But her bearded ex was surprisingly supportive of the pregnancy.

Supportive ex: Despite still grappling with the news herself, her ex, Lennie Alehat was happy about the idea of becoming a dad 

'I never expected this to happen. I’ve never experienced it before,' he told Whitney. 'So it’s new to me, but it’s not, like, a bad thing, I feel. It could be a wonderful thing.'

The curvy reality star was relieved by Lennie's reaction, especially after preparing herself for the worst.

'I spent so long going through all the possibilities in my mind of how upset Lennie would be that I didn’t even really consider the alternative, which is that he would be accepting of the news and even excited,' she admitted. 'It is an enormous relief.'

Parental problems: Whitney still hadn't broken the news to her parents, seen here with her mom, Barbara Thore

After accidentally letting slip about her pregnancy to her co-workers at a radio station, she then had to tell parents about the baby news, but opted to wait, after her mom, Barbara Thore started asking her if she was dating her friend, Donna. 

Despite the support of her ex though, the stunning star still appears to be struggling with her surprise pregnancy.

'I just wanna say thanks to everybody for being really sweet and supportive of me. It’s gonna be a hard few weeks,' she said on Instagram. 'The thought of being pregnant scares the sh*t out of me.'

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