Germans rush to buy illegal firearms and GRENADES to 'protect themselves from migrants' 

  • The website offered customers discreet delivery on first-class quality goods
  • It urged Germans to buy from them to 'avoid annoying bureaucratic hurdles'
  • Professionals, including doctors, were getting to goods delivered to their work
  • Those who purchased weapons were practicing aiming them in their gardens 

Germans have been arming themselves with illegal guns and grenades to protect themselves from migrants.

A website calling itself Migrant Fright was discreetly selling what it describes as first-class quality goods so that its customers can avoid 'annoying bureaucratic hurdles or annoying paperwork'.

The website has since been closed down, but Germans who have already received the weapons in the post, are practicing firing the guns in their back gardens in preparation for potentially aiming it at a prospective terrorist. 

Germans ordered the weapons from a website calling itself Migrant Fright which delivered

The now-defunct website, seen by MailOnline, carried a mission statement that read: 'Protect yourself and your family.

'We offer first-class quality goods, discreetly sent, at a fair price. 

'Without annoying bureaucratic hurdles or annoying paperwork. 

'Simply order, pay conveniently and receive the delivery. 

'Simple, fast and discreet - that is the motto of Migrantenschreck.'

Various packages were available to customers, ranging from €7.99 to €799, and includes guns, grenades and ammunition.

Professionals, including doctors, were getting the deadly weapons delivered to their workplaces, according to Sued Deutsche

Undercover reporters from the paper tracked the guns to a doctor's address to quiz him over his purchase. 

The now-armed physician claims not to have a problem with protecting his family, but has an interest in weapons. 

He has been practicing firing his gun in his garden, and said the noise was deafening.

'I think the rate of crime increases with the influx of foreigners,' he told Sued Deutsche

'People from other countries, of course, have different ideas about how to behave in society. 

'The uncontrolled immigration is a problem, we need a 180-degree rotation.'

It is understood the weapons were being bought legally in Hungary and shipped to Germany, which is illegal. 

Many of the customers are thought to be unaware they had broken any laws.  

The website was offering pistols, rifles, grenades and ammunition which could be delivered

Germany was rocked by terror last year, heaping pressure on chancellor Angela Merkel's open-door immigration policy.

A bloody week of violence that rocked Germany began on July 18 when Pakistani teenager Riaz Khan Ahmadzai, 17, posing as an Afghan refugee, hacked at passengers on a train in Wurzburg with an axe, wounding five.

He was shot dead by police.

Four days later mentally unstable German-Iranian teenager Ali Sonboly shot nine people dead during a rampage through a shopping centre in Munich before taking his own life.

Sonboly claimed he was taking revenge for being bullied at school with no political motive to the murderous rampage. 

Angela Merkel's immigration policy has been slammed by residents and politicians

Earlier that month, a suspected ISIS airport bomb plotter hanged himself in a German prison after being arrested following a manhunt.

Syrian national Jaber al-Bakr, 22, was found dead in his cell in Leipzig, eastern Germany on Wednesday evening - having reportedly used his own t-shirt - and was taken away overnight.

He was detained on Sunday after three days on the run following a tip-off that he may have been looking to team up with associates in Leipzig.

Al-Bakr had built 'a virtual bomb-making lab' in a flat in Chemnitz and was thought to have planned an attack against either one of Berlin's two airports or a transport hub in his home state of Saxony, security sources said.

Chemnitz was on lockdown for hours when police raided his flat but failed to seize him before he was captured by fellow Syrian nationals who tied him up and handed him over to the authorities. 

And on Monday, December 19, Tunisian ISIS fanatic Anis Amri hijacked a 35-tonne truck and ploughed it into a Christmas market in Berlin, killing 12 people. 


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