Slate Magazine - Politics, Business, Technology, and the Arts

America Has Never Fully Embraced Its Immigrants

Our nation’s loftiest ideals have conflicted with its xenophobic impulses since the founding.

In Texas, the War Between the GOP and Sanctuary Cities Is Already On

No, Trump Won’t Be Removed From Office by the 25th Amendment

Why It’s OK to Root for the Patriots, Even Now

How Countries Across Europe Are Mocking Trump


The GOP Has No Obamacare Replacement

But it does have a catchy new buzzword!



The president is violating the court orders against his Muslim ban. Here’s how he’s getting away with it.

The GOP Has No Obamacare Bill. It Does Have a New Buzzword.

Trump Is Violating the Court Orders Against His Muslim Ban. How He’s Getting Away With It.

It’s OK if Melania Isn’t a Traditional First Lady. But Taxpayers Shouldn’t Pay for Her Choices.

Did Trump’s Snap Decision Cause the Yemen Raid to End in Disaster?

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In Case You Missed It
“They Let Him Die Like a Dog” The death of a black man in police custody has touched off a cultural crisis over race, immigration, and what it means to be French.
The Slacker Administration Donald Trump and his administration are lazy, sloppy, and lack imagination.
Jurisprudence The Many Ways Trump’s Muslim Ban Violates the Constitution
Politics Why It’s Absolutely Correct to Call Trump’s Order a Muslim Ban
Neil Gorsuch Is Nothing Like Donald Trump He’s principled, dexterous, and eloquent.
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