How a grazed knee could be DEADLY: Girl undergoes open heart surgery 4 YEARS after teachers failed to clean her knee thoroughly when she fell over in the playground

  • Abbi Holland, 3, fell over in a busy school playground and scraped her knee
  • Staff failed to clean her wound and later that night she developed a temperature
  • She was immediately rushed to hospital - spending the next 4 months there
  • Doctors found that her aortic valve was leaking after bacteria entered her cut 
  • Now 7, she is recovering after needing open-heart surgery to fix the deadly leak 

A young girl has undergone open heart surgery after a minor wound caused near-fatal damage. 

Abbi Holland, from Manchester, was just three-years-old when she fell over in the school playground and scraped her knee.

But staff didn't clean the graze properly and, later that night, the youngster became severely unwell with a temperature of 43c.

She was immediately rushed to hospital - which is where she spent the next four months fighting to stay alive.

Now seven years old, she's recovering after needing life-saving surgery to fix an aortic valve leak which was caused by bacteria entering her cut.

Abbi Holland was just three when she fell over in the school playground and scraped her knee

However, although the procedure was successful, Abbi will be on medication for the rest of her life and will require further heart operations in the future.

Her mother Caz, 37, and father Dave, 43, have since launched a campaign to raise awareness of the importance of basic first aid to make sure no child, or adult, ends up having to suffer a similar fate.

'You just don't think this could happen as a result of a fall in a playground,' Mr Holland said. 

'It's an eye opener, that something so small and simple could be life changing.'

He explained that Abbi was treated in 2013 at North Manchester General Hospital, but was transferred to the Royal Manchester Children's Hospital for scans which revealed the infection from the cut had caused her aortic valve to leak.

But the youngster struggled to fight the infection, suffering severe reactions to every antibiotic that doctors tried.

Staff didn't clean the graze properly and, later that night, the youngster became severely unwell with a temperature of 43c and was rushed to hospital

Now seven years old, she's recovering after needing life-saving surgery to fix an aortic valve leak which was caused by bacteria entering her cut (pictured with her mother, Caz, 37)

Medical intervention: The youngster pictured after surgery in Liverpool's Alder Hey hospital  

Eventually she was stabilised and moved to Alder Hey Children's Hospital in Liverpool where her parents were told that one day she would need surgery to repair the damage that had been done.


An aortic valve replacement is a type of open heart surgery used to treat problems with the heart's aortic valve.

The problems can get worse over time and in severe cases can lead to life-threatening problems, such as heart failure, if left untreated.

The aortic valve controls the flow of blood out from the heart to the rest of the body.

An aortic valve replacement involves removing a faulty or damaged valve and replacing it with a new one made from synthetic materials or animal tissue.

It's a major operation that isn't suitable for everyone and can take a long time to recover from.

Source: NHS Choices

Last year, scans found another leak in Abbi's heart, and she went under the knife on January 16.

Mr Holland said: 'To be told that they are going to have to stop your little girl's heart and there's no guarantee they will be able to start it again is terrifying.

'Then to hear that if they did manage to there was a chance she could be brain damaged - well you wouldn't wish that on your worst enemy. 

'We are not trying to bad mouth or blacklist anyone, we just want to promote basic first aid and get the message out about how important it is.

'Such a simple thing caused this and we wouldn't want to see anyone go through what Abbi has been through. 

'It's not over for her yet, this has changed her life forever and she's going to need more surgery when she's older.'

The family, who have four other children, are also hoping to raise money for NMGH to buy new toys for the children's ward that cared for Abbi.

To donate, click here

Reaction: Abbi struggled to fight the infection, often suffering severe reactions as a result

Getting better: Abbi is now over the worst - but will still require further surgery and medication

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