'I always said I would provide': Sherri Shepherd defends herself amid bitter money battle with ex Lamar Sally over son born via surrogacy

Her private life has been tabloid fodder since she and second husband Lamar Sally split before the birth of a son via surrogate mother.

The former couple remain locked in a bitter battle over how much money the former co-host of The View should pay to support the child, now two.

In an interview airing Friday on TV's The DR. Oz Show, Shepherd insists that her beef is not with the boy but with her ex-husband's demands.

'I feel I had a very tight pre-nup but there’s a baby here and I have always said I would take care of his son because he’s here and I make money,' she explained, according to PageSix.com. 'I always said I would provide financially.'

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Paying up: In an interview airing Friday on TV's The DR. Oz Show, Sherri Shepherd insisted that she had always said she would provide financially for her ex-husband's son born via surrogate

The TV personality and actress, 49, has no biological connection to Lamar Sally Jr. who was conceived using a donor egg and born in August 2014. The child lives with his father who has full custody.

'He’s on my health insurance. He’s got a life insurance policy in case anything happens to me,' said Shepherd who also has a son Jeffrey from her first marriage. 

She explained that she doesn't recognize the boy as her son or wants to be involved in his life because, she told Dr. Oz: 'I  think it’s worse for a child with two parents not getting along.'

Sharing: The former co-host of The View opened up about the bitter battle over how much she should pay to support the child, now two, to whom she has no biological connection

Caught in the middle: She and Lamar Sally agreed to have a child using his sperm, a donor egg and a surrogate mother but they split before the boy was born in August 2014

Learning to forgive: Shepherd admitted she finds it hard to deal with the tabloid stories about her private life but relies on her faith in God to get her through

 During her sit down chat for The Dr. Oz Show, she spoke about the stress of dealing with the tabloid stories about her.

But, she stated, she's learned to forgive herself for mistakes she's made and her faith in God has helped her deal with the situation.

'Every day I get up and I pray and I go, Lord, what am I supposed to be doing here today?' she said. 'There were a lot of tears and I learned you can pick yourself back up and you can look at the world and you can smile.' 

'So right now, I'm happily single,' she said. 'On Valentine's Day last year, I went and saw The Temptations myself. I went on a date, me and Jesus. Me and Jesus went on a date together and we had a great time. He bought me a glass of wine and it was really great.' 

Moving on: The actress and Tv personality insisted to Dr. Oz that she is 'happily single' and focused on raising her son Jeffrey from her first marriage

Shepherd also insisted to Dr. Oz that she's not bitter, despite her decision earlier this month to blast her ex on Twitter by posting his profile from an online dating site. 

She tweeted on January 24: '#BEWARE In court docs he says he only works 20-30 hours/wk. But his dating profile says $100k #Liar #WatchOut #Scam.'

Not done there, she posted another of his profile's pictures and questioned where her ex was getting his money from.

Shepherd tweeted: '''I'm single, well off & looking'' …Hmmm I wonder if he's using the #ChildSupport money I pay for him to be ''well off.'''

The talk show host's social media rage finally ended with her posting one final message to fans.

'Rants over. I'm done. Back to normal... going to pray for my steps to get back on track. Thanks for letting me vent #goodnight,' she tweeted.  

Venting: Earlier this month Shephered embarked on a Twitter rant during which she posted images from her ex-husband's online dating profile


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