Husband admits stabbing his pregnant wife to death in front of their two children after she plead her church, the police and relatives for protection from his abuse for months

  • Yevgeniu Savenok pleaded guilty to the murder of his wife and their unborn child
  • It took place in their Eden Prarie, Minnesota home in front of their two children
  • She died at the scene and their unborn child died 10 minutes after an emergency C-section
  • She previously told police that she'd gotten her family and church involved in their relationship after filing abuse charges

Yevgeniu Savenok (pictured) pleaded guilty to the brutal murder of his pregnant wife and their unborn son Lyuba Thursday morning

A father-of-two has admitted stabbing his pregnant wife to death after months of violent abuse.  

Yevgeniu Savenok pleaded guilty to the brutal slaying of wife Lyuba and their unborn son on Thursday morning.

The murder took place at the couple's home in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, in May of 2016, reported Fox 9

Savenok pleaded guilty to two counts of second-degree murder, and will likely serve 65 years in prison. 

In exchange for his plea, prosecutors gave up a first-degree murder charge that would result in a life sentence. 

Members of the Eden Prarie Police department were in court to hear his plea, and many described this case as one of the most brutal they had ever investigated.  

The horrific attack took place Saturday, May 14, when Savenok stormed into the family home, allegedly grabbing a kitchen knife and stabbing his wife seven or eight times before fleeing with his children, according to court records.

The couple also had two other children (pictured), who are currently staying with family. The murder took place at the couple's home in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, in May of 2016, in front of the two children

Lyuba Savenok died at the scene, and their unborn sun passed away 10 minutes after an emergency C-section attempting to save his life. reported Fox. 

The day of the murder Savenok Walked into United Hospital in St Paul with the couple's children and admitted to a security guard that he had killed his wife.

In an interview with investigators, he said 'I stabbed my wife', and said that on a return trip from Chicago the night before the murder that he knew she was pregnant and had thought about using a knife to kill her.  

Court records show that Savenok had a history of beating his wife, who had an active protective order against him when she was killed, reported Fox. 

Court records show that Savenok had a history of beating his wife, who had an active protective order against him when she was killed. reported Fox. She ordered a protection against her husband in Wheaton, Illinois, where the family lived for a time

In an interview with investigators, he said 'I stabbed my wife', and said that on a return trip from Chicago the night before the murder that he knew she was pregnant and had thought about using a knife to kill her

She ordered a protection against her husband in Wheaton, Illinois, where the family lived for a time. 

The order listed a series of incidents during August of 2014. she told police that he hit her repeatedly, leaving bruises and a bloody nose, pulled her hair, and took freedoms away from her such as her phone or ID. 

A statement from August 27, 2014 said: 'With the increase of incidents and severity of them, I've gotten his parents and my parents involved, as well as our church.'  

The order listed a series of incidents during August of 2014. she told police that he hit her repeatedly, leaving bruises and a bloody nose, pulled her hair, and took freedoms away from her such as her phone or ID. At some point before the murder, Savenok allowed her husband to move back in, reported Fox

At some point before the murder, Savenok allowed her husband to move back in, reported Fox. 

Her family was shocked and shattered by the incident. They released a statement that said:  'It's hard for us once again to hear the details of Lyuba's senseless murder. Her family, friends and loved ones feel deep sadness, loss and anger. 

'It has been especially difficult to learn that her son survived for a small time after the doctors tried to save him. Lyuba was going to name him Ellis.' 

A GoFundMe has raised $70,000 to help with funeral expenses and funds for hte two young children, who are staying with family, according to Fox.  

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