Almost $250,000 is raised for married father-of-two, 26, who died from toothache that turned into a fatal lung infection

  • Vadim Kondratyuk, 26, of California, died in a Utah hospital on Monday after an infection spread from his tooth to his lungs
  • Truck driver had first complained of toothache two weeks ago before setting out on a cross-country trip to New York
  • He visited dentist in Oklahoma who cleaned his tooth and gave him antibiotics 
  • Pain returned as Kondratyuk set on return trip leaving him too weak to drive
  • His brother raced to his side to help bring him home, but Kondrayuk's condition and he had to be put in hospital in Utah
  • Doctors worked for four days to try and stop the spread of infection, but eventually his lungs filled with fluid and his heart failed 
  • Kondratyuk is survived by his wife of four years and their two girls, ages two years and 11 months 
  • Donations have been pouring in during the week which will help the family over the next couple of years 

Almost $250,000 has been raised to help the family of a truck driver who died after an innocent toothache turned into a fatal lung infection. 

Vadim Kondratyuk, a 26-year-old long-haul truck driver and married father-of-two young girls was travelling from New York home to California but brushed off the pain. 

In the early hours of Monday morning, Kondratyuk was pronounced dead in a Utah hospital, where doctors found that his tooth infection had spread to his lungs.

His wife of four years, Nataliya, made the trip from their home in Antelope, California, to Utah in time to say goodbye.

Since his death, people from more than 47 states and 17 countries have donated funds to help the family. 

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Heartbreaking loss: This family photo shows Vadim Kondratyuk, 26, his wife, Nataliya, and their two girls, ages 2 years and 11 months. The father-of-two died of an infection Monday

Clinging to life: The long-haul truck driver spent four days in a Utah hospital, where doctors tried and failed to stop the spread of an infection that originated in his tooth

The trouble began when Vadim began complaining of the toothache two weeks ago.

On his way to New York in his truck, Vadim's pain gradually grew worse, forcing him to seek dental help in Oklahoma.

The dentist Vadim visited cleaned his infected tooth and proscribed him antibiotics for the infection. 

At first, the treatment seemed to work and he reached  New York feeling much better, but as he set out on the return trip back to the west coast, the side of his face became swollen.

Girls' guardian angel: Nataliya is now left to raise the couple's two daughters, two-year-old Vanessa (left) and 11-month-old Maya (right)

Young widow: Nataliya, pictured with Vadim during happier times. She has received almost $250,000 in donations from well-wishers to help the family get through these difficult times

His brother-in-law, Miroslav Kondratyuk, rushed to Vadim's side hoping to bring him home faster for treatment, but his condition was deteriorated so rapidly the pair were forced to stop in Utah and check into a hospital.

For four days, doctors tried to stem the infection but to no avail: Vadim's lungs ultimately filled up with fluid, rendering him unable to breathe.

He died on Monday with his wife, Nataliya at his bedside.

‘I don't think you could find a better husband,’ the young widow tearfully said of Vadim. 'I know he's in heaven. He's a happy person right now. He's gonna be my angel for the rest of my life.’

Happiest day: The young couple were married for four years and lived in Antelope, California 

GoFundMe page set up to help bring Vadim’s body home to California, to pay for his funeral expenses and to provide for his widow and their two children, has raised almost $250,000.

The money will become all the more important for Vadim's family who are now without a breadwinner.

The young widow, will be left to raise the couple's two daughters, two-year-old Vanessa and 11-month-old Maya. 

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