'I stabbed him with a fork and reversed over him in my car': The secret Facebook page where women brag about violence toward men

  • Secret Facebook group 'Bad Girls Advice' brags about acts of domestic violence
  • Women boasted about hitting men with cars and stabbing them in the genitals
  • Facebook thread was shared by a domestic violence support group on Thursday
  • Group administrator insisted to Daily Mail Australia the group is misrepresented

This is the secret Facebook group where women brag about the various ways they have physically abused their partners.

Graphic screenshots from the Bad Girls Advice Facebook page emerged on Thursday when a domestic violence support group publicly shared them.

The posts show women discussing domestic violence situations in detail after one member asked the other women what the most violent act committed against their partner was.

'In a mad ass rage at my partner. Just want to punch him in the c*ck and stab him in the leg with a fork. Bad b****es, I want to know what is the craziest thing you've done in a fit of rage?' one woman posted on Friday

'In a mad ass rage at my partner. Just want to punch him in the c*ck and stab him in the leg with a fork. Bad b****es, I want to know what is the craziest thing you've done in a fit of rage?' one woman posted on Friday.

The post garnered hundreds of likes and prompted a colourful discussion about domestic violence.

'Threw a chair at him through a glass door. Door smashed and cut him the f*** up. Needless to say he didn't smart mouth me again,' one said. 

The post and the ensuing comments were shared with all 173 thousand members of Bad Girls Advice.  

'Stabbed one in the leg with a fork ... pushed another into the wall and the fat f*** fell through it,' the comment read 

'Stabbed with a fork, reversed over him in a car, threw him out of the car, punched him in the nose, threw bowls, remotes or whatever at his head'

'Stabbed with a fork, reversed over him in a car, threw him out of the car, punched him in the nose, threw bowls, remotes or whatever at his head,' another said.

One woman admitted to hitting her partner with her car 'all because it was Halloween and I felt bad that I didn't buy lollies for the kids'.

Another member also admitted to ramming her partner with a car.

'Hit him with my car then made him pay for the damage,' she said.

Her comment was praised by other members who claimed it was their 'favourite'.

'Threw a chair at him through a glass door. Door smashed and cut him the f*** up. Needless to say he didn't smart mouth me again,'

The controversial post was published on Friday and quickly garnered hundreds of likes (stock image) 

'Headbutted by ex and knocked him the f*** out when I was drunk and he was looking at other girls' 

Another member said she made an expensive mistake when she decided to throw a laptop at a man's head.

'(I) didn't realise it wasn't his and had to replace the f***ing piece of sh**,' she said.

'It was worth it.'

One contributor maintained what she did was 'funny'.

'Stabbed them in the c*** with a metal nail file sh** it was funny,' she said.

'Bit him on the back of his neck until I heard crunch and felt blood. Still has the scar lol,' another said.

'P.s reading these on ideas for my husband right now,' one contributor wrote on the controversial post

The confronting conversation was shared on Thursday by domestic violence support group the Black Ribbon Foundation Australia.

'And people wonder why we have a problem in this country,' it said.

'Ask yourself, had it been female victims being spoken about, would they have been so blasé?'

A Bad Girls Advice group administrator, who asked to remain anonymous, told Daily Mail Australia the group was misrepresented.

'BGA is about so many things that are amazing, and this thread, which a fraction of women wrote on, does not define who we are,' she said on Friday.

'Literally hit him with my car ... all because it was Halloween and I felt bad that I didn't buy lollies for the kids,' one woman wrote 

A Bad Girls Advice group administrator, who asked to remain anonymous, told Daily Mail Australia the 173 thousand member large group was misrepresented

'We help hundreds of women with a lot of different things and we absolutely do not and never have condoned domestic violence against any gender.

'The vast majority of us are just women who need a space to express and explore our sexuality and talk about issues that are taboo in public.'

The Queensland woman said the controversial post was removed the day after it was published.

'The thread was deleted Saturday morning once all the admin were aware of it – we decided as a whole that it absolutely was against our group's morals,' she said.

'Hit him with a car ... stabbed him in the thigh ... threw his amp and speakers at him, cut his face out of all photos and sent him a bag with just his heads,' one woman wrote 

The administrator said Bad Girls Advice helped thousands of women and served a positive purpose.

'We have talked over 25 women out of suicide, helped hundreds of women find temporary homes and supplies after breaking away from domestic violence,' she said.

'We aren't going to sit here and say we are saints. But we help in a huge way with the heavy stuff that a lot of people can't talk about.'

She told Daily Mail Australia all women who contributed to the controversial post have since been removed from the group.  

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