Starving child who was left for dead by his parents who thought he was a WITCH is full of joy as he sets off for his first day at school, one year after amazing recovery

  • Hope was left for dead by his family because they thought he was a witch
  • Toddler was found emaciated and riddled with worms by a charity worker
  • Woman who saved him has shared photos showing his incredible recovery
  • Hope, two, from Nigeria, is 'really enjoying life now', his rescuer said 

A starving child who was left for dead by his parents who thought he was a witch has been pictured full of joy as he sets off for for his first day at school. 

Photographs of the little boy known as Hope broke the world's hearts last year after a charity worker found him emaciated and riddled with worms after being abandoned. 

Having made a miraculous recovery, the now healthy-looking youngster set off to embark on his education in a strapping red outfit. 

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Hope today
Hope in 2016

A year on from being found abandoned (right), the boy known as Hope is off to school (left)

The healthy-looking boy has made a remarkable recovery after his traumatic ordeal 

The healthy-looking boy has made a remarkable recovery after his traumatic ordeal 

Hope was rescued by Danish charity worker Anja Ringgren Loven, who was working in Africa

Hope was rescued by Danish charity worker Anja Ringgren Loven, who was working in Africa

Hope, pictured with Anja, was abandoned by his parents because they though he was a witch

Hope, pictured with Anja, was abandoned by his parents because they though he was a witch

Anja, who works with a number of children in Nigeria, sits with Hope and another child on her lap

Anja, who works with a number of children in Nigeria, sits with Hope and another child on her lap

The then two-year-old Nigerian boy was found in a shocking state last year. 

Hope was abandoned by his family because they thought he was a witch and was found in the streets by Anja Ringgren Loven, a Danish woman living in Africa, in January 2016. 

Almost a year on to the day, she posted amazing before and after photographs of her holding a water bottle up to the boy's mouth. 

In an emotional Facebook post, she wrote: 'On the 30th of January 2016 I went on a rescue mission with David Emmanuel Umem, Nsidibe Orok and our Nigerian team. 

'A rescue mission that went viral, and today it's exactly one year ago the world came to know a young little boy called Hope

'This week Hope will start school.'

Hope (pictured), was emaciated and riddled with worms when he was discovered naked and wandering the streets on January 31, 2016 by Anja (pictured, right)

Hope (pictured), was emaciated and riddled with worms when he was discovered naked and wandering the streets on January 31, 2016 by Anja (pictured, right)

Hope was abandoned by his family because they thought he was a witch and was found in the streets by Anja Ringgren Loven (pictured together)

Hope was abandoned by his family because they thought he was a witch and was found in the streets by Anja Ringgren Loven (pictured together)

Back in January, Ms Loven found the boy after he spent eight months fending for himself and living off scraps.

She bent down and gently began feeding him and giving him water from a bottle. She then wrapped up the disorientated toddler in a blanket and took him to the nearest hospital for treatment.

When Hope reached the hospital, he was given medication to remove the worms from his stomach and daily blood transfusions to incorporate more red blood cells into his body, Ms Loven said.

And two days after the aid worker asked for the community's help with Hope's costly medical bills, she received  more than $1million in donations from around the world.

Ms Loven wrapped up the disorientated toddler in a blanket and took him to the nearest hospital

Ms Loven wrapped up the disorientated toddler in a blanket and took him to the nearest hospital

When Hope reached the hospital, he was given medication to remove the worms from his belly and daily blood transfusions

When Hope reached the hospital, he was given medication to remove the worms from his belly and daily blood transfusions

Bath time: Ms Loven is pictured helping give Hope a bath
He was found walking the streets starving, disorientated and riddled with worms

Ms Loven is pictured helping give Hope a bath after he was found walking the streets starving, disorientated and riddled with worms

Just eight weeks later, Hope was unrecognisable having gained weight and pictured smiling and playing with other children.  

Ms Loven is the founder of African Children's Aid Education and Development Foundation, which she created three years ago to help children who have been labelled witches and therefore neglected or even killed by the members of their community. 

'Thousands of children are being accused of being witches and we've both seen torture of children, dead children and frightened children,' she wrote on Facebook, accompanying images of her feeding the young boy and appealing for donations to help pay for his medical bills in January.

'With all the money, we can, besides giving Hope the very best treatment, now also build a doctor clinic on the new land and save many more children out of torture.' she said two months after his rescue. 

Hope looked unrecognisable after gaining weight and he has been pictured smiling for the camera eight weeks after he was found

Hope looked unrecognisable after gaining weight and he has been pictured smiling for the camera eight weeks after he was found

'Enjoying life': Hope has gained weight and has been pictured smiling and playing with other children
Hope looking through a book

Hope gained weight and was pictured smiling and playing with other children (left)

This picture was published less than two months after Hope was found and shows just how much his health had improved

This picture was published less than two months after Hope was found and shows just how much his health had improved

Hope (right) is pictured sitting with African Children's Aid Education and Development Foundation education officer, Don Udowan, and Felix, one

Hope (right) is pictured sitting with African Children's Aid Education and Development Foundation education officer, Don Udowan, and Felix, one

Hair cut: Hope is pictured having his hair cut at the centre in Nigeria
Hope was rescued on January 31

Hope is pictured having his hair cut at the centre in Nigeria after he was rescued on January 31

Hope is pictured looking at a book with two other children. He looks nothing like the starving boy found by Anja Ringgren Loven, a Danish woman living in Africa, on January 31, 2016

Hope is pictured looking at a book with two other children. He looks nothing like the starving boy found by Anja Ringgren Loven, a Danish woman living in Africa, on January 31, 2016

Ms Loven runs a children's centre where the youngsters she saves live and receives medical care, food and schooling.

She and her husband, David Emmanuel Umem, began building their own orphanage in late January last year.

They regularly share posts of their progress on social media and have garnered a huge following.  

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