Can this Twitter account predict the future? Mysterious social media handle appears to have called Brexit, Trump and Beyonce being pregnant

  • @BeyonceFan666 correctly predicted Donald Trump's election, the results of the Brexit vote, and Beyonce being pregnant
  • It also predicted that Lady Gaga would be performing at halftime of the Super Bowl
  • The account has astonished Twitter users who wonder how it could have gotten these events right months before they actually happen
  • The more plausible explanation is that the account posted a number of scenarios and kept the account private
  • Once its predictions came true, it simply deleted the wrong ones and made the account public 

A mysterious Twitter account that correctly predicted the results of the Brexit vote, Donald Trump's election victory, and Beyonce's pregnancy is drawing attention because it can tell us the future – or can it?

@BeyonceFan666 is the Twitter handle attached to an account whose title consists of a single period.

The description of the account reads: 'ya'll knew. don't get it twisted.'

The account's avatar is a cartoon featuring an egg-shaped item wearing a crown, lipstick, and sunglasses.

Pop superstar Beyonce announced her pregnancy on Wednesday with the above post on her website

A mysterious Twitter handle known as @Beyoncefan666 predicted the pregnancy back in July

But it's the account's ability to predict future events that has internet users in amazed astonishment.

Not only did it correctly predict all three aforementioned events, but it also was able to foresee the announcement that Lady Gaga would be performing at the Super Bowl halftime show.

The NFL officially announced the gig on September 29, but @BeyonceFan666 tweeted that Gaga would be the headline act four days earlier.

Beyonce announced her pregnancy this week, but @BeyonceFan666 tweeted back in July 2016: 'Okay so Beyonce is gonna announce a pregnancy in February (2017).'

@Beyoncefan666 also was able to foresee the announcement that Lady Gaga (seen above on the cover of her latest album Joanne) would be performing at the Super Bowl halftime show

'Not long until NFL announce that Lady Gaga will be performing at the Super Bowl,' @Beyoncefan666 tweeted

As if that's not creepy enough, @Beyoncefan666 tweeted on June 14: 'Lady Gaga will release an album in October 2016.' Sure enough, the pop star issued her fifth studio album, Joanne, on October 21, 2016

The Brexit referendum in which Britons voted to leave the European Union was held on June 23, 2016.

Of those who voted, 52 percent favored leaving, while 48 percent voted to remain.

A day before the referendum, @Beyoncefan666 tweeted: 'In the referendum 52% vote leave.'

On June 14, nearly five months before the actual vote, the Twitter account posted this tweet: 'Unfortunately Donald Trump will be elected president :('. Trump is seen above on the November 9 cover of the London Evening Standard after he was declared the winner

@Beyoncefan666 'knew' that Trump would be elected president as early as June 14, as per the above tweet

On November 7, one day before the election, @Beyoncefan666 tweeted: 'I would tell you all to go and vote for Hillary but it doesn't matter because I already know that Trump has won'

As if that's not creepy enough, @Beyoncefan666 tweeted on June 14: 'Lady Gaga will release an album in October 2016.'

Sure enough, the pop star issued her fifth studio album, Joanne, on October 21, 2016.

Then there's @Beyoncefan666's prediction for the just concluded presidential election in the US.

On June 14, nearly five months before the actual vote, the Twitter account posted this tweet: 'Unfortunately Donald Trump will be elected president :('.

The Brexit referendum in which Britons voted to leave the European Union was held on June 23, 2016. Above is a photo of then-London Mayor Boris Johnson speaking at a pro-leave rally in Newcastle upon Tyne on April 16

Of those who voted, 52 percent favored leaving, while 48 percent voted to remain. A day before the referendum, @Beyoncefan666 tweeted: 'In the referendum 52% vote leave' (above)

On November 7, one day before the election, @Beyoncefan666 tweeted: 'I would tell you all to go and vote for Hillary but it doesn't matter because I already know that Trump has won.'

Given that this social media soothsayer has not been wrong, a tweet from July should does not bode well for the future of this country: 'hello from the future. Just to let you know America is currently crashing and burning under Trump's [sic] leadership.'

But the British newspaper The Guardian conducted an investigation and found a much more plausible explanation.

This Twitter user most likely posted the 'future' tweets months ago and kept the account private.

When the announcements confirmed the 'predictions', the account user simply deleted the wrong predictions and made the accurate tweets public.

How does one know this?

Simple – the replies to the tweets were sent in recent days. If these tweets were publicly available on the days indicated in the timestamp, then surely they would have generated some kind of reaction then.

In the tweet about Beyonce's pregnancy, all of the replies to the tweet were from Wednesday – the day on which the pop star announced the pregnancy.

Besides, if @Beyoncefan666 could tell the future, why not cite that the superstar would be having twins instead of just saying that she was merely pregnant? 

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