
Updated: 08:03 EST

Paris' Louvre shut down over man with machete

A machete-wielding man shouting 'Allahu Akbar' was shot five times in the stomach outside the Louvre in Paris this morning after he attacked four soldiers. French Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve has described the attack as 'terrorist in nature' and a terror probe has been launched by authorities. An estimated 1,250 people were inside the famous art gallery, home to the Mona Lisa, when the shooting happened. Pictures from inside the museum shows schoolchildren cowering during the emergency lockdown.

Man sues stepmother for a share of £2.9m Lotto win

David Walsh (pictured celebrating outside court, left) took the case to Ireland's High Court after claiming he was owed a sixth of Mary Walsh's jackpot after purchasing the winning ticket as part of a syndicate. The court heard how David's late father Peter Walsh, who was married to Mary (shown right), had promised his son he wouldn't have to ever worry about money again after the win. The winning ticket, bought in County Galway in January 2011, was signed by Peter Walsh, his wife Mary and his son David, as well as three other relatives. After winning £2.9million, Mrs Walsh's sons Tony and Jason received £380,000 and £257,000 respectively, while Mr Walsh's nephew Kevin Black was given £86,000. Mrs Walsh argued that David was offered £171,000 or the house she shared with her late husband, and claimed he opted for the home - which Mr Walsh denied.

Presented by French actor Antoine de Caunes (left) and French fashion designer Jean-Paul Gaultier (right), it became an unexpected hit with ratings of between two and three million at its height.

Convicted defendants will learn their fate sitting miles away from the judge, in adapted rooms in police stations or in specially-converted vans or buses under rules put into effect by the Lord Chief Justice.

As MPs trooped into the voting lobbies to authorise the triggering of Article 50, Chloe Smith, Tory member for Norwich North, turned up clutching her four-month-old son, Alastair.

Lee Crawley was injured after stepping into a pothole in Barnsley and won a payout after appeal judges heard the local council waited until after a weekend to fix it.

Six out of 10 drivers are being let off as chief constables are offering the majority of offenders 'education' instead of imposing fines and putting points on their licence.


A news story said about 250,000 people die in Britain each year from pulmonary embolism. In fact the figure, in 2012, was 2,300.

Revealed: Never-before-seen footage of devastating Apache helicopter attack in the moments before Marine A shot a wounded Taliban insurgent dead is released by MoD

Dramatic video clips that show the lead up to the Marine A shooting incident during the Afghanistan War have been released by the Ministry of Defence following a legal challenge. The footage (centre and right) - which has never been seen before - shows the events in the minutes leading up to the incident in which a Taliban fighter was shot dead. Sgt Blackman (left) would later be convicted of murdering the insurgent, who was found wounded after he attacked a British position, and given a 10 year jail sentence, later reduced to eight. The dramatic footage comes from a helmet-mounted video camera worn by one of the junior Marines in Sgt Blackman's patrol. It shows soldiers witnessing the attack by an Apache helicopter on the insurgent's position minutes before the patrol discovered his 'bloodied body'. An appeal against Sgt Blackman's conviction begins next Tuesday and hundreds of ex-Marines and other supporters are expected to travel to the Royal Courts of Justice in London in solidarity.

Aga Czachowska, 31, used the insult when she tried to collect a debt for her employer when after the client went bankrupt, Worcester Crown Court heard.

The average price paid in the final three months of last year for comprehensive cover was £462, the Association of British Insurers (ABI) said - a jump of £22 on the previous quarter.

A tenth of health trusts, which cover a population of about four million, admitted they were unable to find GPs for overnight or weekend shifts on at least one occasion last year.

Despite being one of the UK's most elite universities, Cambridge (pictured) has the ninth most privately educated intake, according to the Higher Education Statistics Agency.

Young professionals in the UK face an uncertain working future after it was predicted by a Government task force they could be in jobs until they are 74.

Officials will only view the life-changing breast cancer drug palbociclib as cost-effective if its price is cut by 80 per cent, taking it from £2,950 a month to less than £590.

Gordon Brown scrapped a plan to make Peter Mandelson deputy prime minister after Harriet Harman told him it would happen 'over my dead body', in a Downing Street row, she has claimed.

The former Labour deputy leader said Mr Brown 'changed her speech on the autocue' at the 1996 Labour Party Conference in Blackpool while she was 'waiting on the stage'.

Friends of the pensioner accused of 'groping' Harriet Harman when she was a clerk at a London law firm in the 1970s said they were 'horrified' at the accusation and that it was 'not possible'.

Supermarkets ration vegetables due to Mediterranean storms

Supermarkets have started rationing vegetables amid a shortage caused by floods, snow and storms across the Mediterranean farming belt. Morrisons has imposed a limit of three heads of broccoli and two iceberg lettuces (inset right) per customer throughout its 492 stores. Shoppers have also taken to social media to share pictures of empty fresh produce aisles in Sainsbury’s (top) and Morrisons (bottom right). A notice in a Tesco store (left) stated that they have started limiting bulk purchases of iceberg lettuces to three per person. And a private seller was flogging 12 lettuces for £50 on Gumtree (centre bottom).

British soldiers hounded by disgraced lawyer Phil Shiner called for him to be jailed after he was struck off at a disciplinary hearing yesterday for falsely accusing soldiers of war crimes.

All bathrooms should have a second bin for recycling to stop plastic rubbish polluting the natural world, according to a campaign backed by Prince Charles.

Plain-speaking Philip Davies (Con, Shipley) is causing merry mayhem. Mr Davies has got himself elected on to the soppingly wet select committee for Women and Equalities.

European Parliament leaders have written to the European Council asking its president not to accept Ted Malloch, pictured with Nigel Farage, as US ambassador to the EU should he be put forward.

The US government is in talks with UK authorities to introduce what is known as 'pre-clearance' at Manchester, Edinburgh, and London Heathrow airports.

John Smyth QC (pictured) was accused by young victims of beating them violently after he recruited them at a Christian youth camp where the Archbishop of Canterbury once worked.

In a speech entitled 'Coping with Russia' at St Andrews University in Scotland, Sir Michael Fallon said Nato members were being 'tested' by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Deutsche Boerse's boss Carsten Kengeter - the driving force behind the takeover bid - is being probed over his purchase of the shares in his company days before the deal was announced.

Savers have been offered a glimmer of hope after Tesco Bank said current account customers would receive three percent interest rates for the next two years.

Yellow Corsa that was ruining Bibury written off

Peter Maddox, 84, parks his banana-coloured Vauxhall Corsa (main image) outside his Cotswolds cottage Bibury, Gloucestershire, on a road which is owned by the National Trust. The chocolate box houses are the oldest inhabited properties in the UK and appear on the inside cover of millions of passports. But a row erupted in 2015 when visitors complained that Peter's 'ugly' car was wrecking the classic English scene. This week, a yob scratched the word 'MOVE FREDDIE' onto the bonnet (inset), scratched every other panel and smashed the driver's side window and rear windscreen.

Researchers at Newcastle University found that people who find the sound of chewing, breathing, or numerous other conditions unbearable have a genuine brain abnormality.

The breathalyser, similar to the machines used by cops for roadside alcohol tests, uses sensors to identify biomarkers linked to the virus and indicate if the sufferer has flu or just wants a 'duvet day.'

Brexit court battle to commence over 'soft exit'

The new group of campaigners - including some granted anonymity on safety grounds - want Parliament to vote on keeping Britain in the European single market. They include Peter Wilding, chairman of the pro-Europe pressure group British Influence, who is credited with coining the word Brexit and Conservative lobbyist Adrian Yalland, who voted Leave and runs the Single Market Justice Group. The case started at 10.30am this morning but by 11.30am the judges refused to give the green light for the new challenge. Their legal action comes just a week after Gina Miller and others defeated the Government in the Supreme Court and two days since MPs voted in favour of legislation to pave the way for Theresa May to trigger Article 50 - the formal process of leaving the EU.

David Thompson (left), 34, sustained serious injuries and later died after Thomas Jessop crashed his car during a street race with Alexander Clacker in West Yorkshire in April 2015.

John Vanderwolfe (pictured), clerk of Tiverton Town Council in Devon, accidentally exposed the IT system to a virus after opening a ransomware file that claimed to be from a parcel delivery firm.

The coins, which are considered 'trial coins' aren't rare, aren't legal tender and cannot be used in shops, the Royal Mint said. But they're now selling on eBay for more than £200.

A highly damaging video has emerged of French Presidential candidate Francois Fillon's British wife Penelope admitting, in 2007: 'I have never actually been his assistant or anything like that.'

Gary Munt, 58, fell into a river in Slough, Berkshire, while walking his Staffordshire Bull Terrier Jess, who jumped in after him and unsuccessfully tried to rescue him from drowning.

Britain reached a landmark moment in its battle to leave the EU when MPs backed the Brexit bill, with 319 Tories and 167 Labour MPs throwing their support behind the legislation.

Margaret Thatcher's decision to literally take the wheel to help launch a new Rover in Downing Street provoked panic behind the scenes, her newly-released personal papers reveal

The Brexit Secretary issued the tough message as he defiantly vowed to push ahead with the timetable for leaving the EU despite the government being dealt an humiliating legal blow.

Locked-In syndrome man bungee jumps

Intrepid adventurer Mia Austin (left) from Merseyside, has been diving with sharks, visited the Calais Jungle and jumped off England's highest fixed bungee jump - despite being paralysed. The courageous 28-year-old was left with Locked-In syndrome after having a massive stroke when she was just 21. But Mia has never let it stop her achieving her dreams - from tobogganing (top right) to bungee jumping, zip-wiring, scuba-diving (inset) and indoor sky-diving (bottom right) - she has done it all.

Local protesters in the 'genteel' market town of Morpeth, Northumberland, gathered to save the avenue of 35-year-old maples planted honour of the Queen Mother from being felled.

Student Daisy Ho (pictured), 20, sent her final goodbye note on social media to her friend in California. Miss Ho's body was found hours later in her student flat in Cardiff.

Dennis Welchman fell in Cheddar in Somerset and broke his hip. His family said 999 was called four times before an ambulance from South Western Ambulance Service showed up.

Chloe Phillips, 29, is furious after her son Maxwell broke his femur from taking the tumble in Morrisons in Erith, south east London, but the supermarket giant is denying it was their fault.

Veritee Reed-Hall, 63, from Cornwall, contracted the virus from her husband Barry, 65, who had unprotected sex with another woman while he served in the Merchant Navy.

Lyndsey Higgins, 30, of Barnoldswick, Lancashire, met Martin Westwell on a dating website but later told him she would cut her arms or cause further harm to herself if they split up, it was said.

Brave teen shares photo of horrific burns from house fire

WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT: Troy MacKinlay was given a less than five per cent chance of survival after a candle started a devastating blaze at his grandmother's home in Shildon, County Durham, last year (inset). Despite being described as 'one of the worst cases' doctors at Newcastle's Royal Victoria Infirmary had ever seen, the 19-year-old has stunned medics and is on a long road to recovery. Troy (pictured, left, before the fire) asked his sister Abra Wood to post the photo of his face (right) on social media to show he is not ashamed of how he looks.

Amanda Qi reversed up the steep driveway at the family home not realising she had only her young son in the car and that Karen was still outside, Reading Coroner's Court (pictured) heard.

Jonathan Humbert  was amazed when he opened the suitcase weighing 40kg. The suitcase, in a dead relative's house in Towcester, contained 22 gold sovereigns and 17 solid silver bars.

Luigi Trent-Paroli was an American student studying at the Oxford Tutorial College. He was found hanged in the house he shared with other students on January 19, with a note left on his laptop.

WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT: Troy MacKinlay was given a less than five percent chance of survival after a devastating blaze at his grandmother's home in County Durham last year.

Ben Spence paid £82 to update the document ahead of a weekend birthday trip to Amsterdam with friends at the end of this month but was stunned to find a total stranger's photo inside.

Rotherham child sex gang shout 'Allahu Akbar' in court

Six men were given sentences between 10 years and 20 years - and totalling more than 80 years - by a judge who heard details of how two young girls were sexually abused in Rotherham between 1999 and 2001. One victim, in a statement read to the court, said: 'There's evil and truly evil people in the world. I feel my child was the product of pure evil.' Brothers Basharat Dad (bottom centre), 32, Nasar Dad (bottom left), 36, and Tayab Dad (top left), 34, were jailed for sex offences along with Matloob Hussain (top centre), 41, Mohammed Sadiq (top right), 40, and Amjad Ali (bottom right). The sentencing marks the end of a series of three major trials after the Jay Report on child sexual exploitation in Rotherham described how more than 1,400 children had been groomed, trafficked and raped in the South Yorkshire town over a 16-year period. It has led to 18 people being jailed for sentences totalling more than 280 years. There were emotional and chaotic scenes at Sheffield Crown Court after two of the latest defendants shouted 'Allahu Akbar' as they were led from the dock, although it is unclear which ones.

Basharat Dad (pictured) was among six men jailed for between 10 and 20 years by a judge who heard details of how two young girls were sexually abused in Rotherham between 1999 and 2001.

Lance Wheelwright, from Liverpool, was handed a suspended sentence by a judge at crown court in Manchester after admitting racially aggravated threatening behaviour on a Flybe flight in November.

The unsuspecting victim was strolling along near the Barbican Centre in central London when two people rode behind him on the moped before speeding off with his mobile phone.

Moment burglar got wedged in a tiny first-floor window

A hapless burglar who became wedged in a bathroom window as he tried to climb into a pensioner's house has been jailed. Sean Crawshaw, 47, was found stuck in the tiny upstairs window (pictured, left) of a property in Radcliffe, Greater Manchester. Crawshaw, who was rescued by the fire brigade from the window (right), pleaded guilty to burglary with intent to steal and was jailed for two years and four months. Sergeant Richard Garland, from Greater Manchester Police, said 'poetic justice' had been served.

Betty Boylan's relatives hid the device inside a television after they found unexplained bruising on the retired nurse when they visited her at the Perry Locks Care Home in Birmingham.

Peter Eubanks, 54, who lives in Brighton, East Sussex, arrived at Chichester Crown Court yesterday morning, charged with one count of theft from a Sainsbury's store.

Muslim convert Ryan Counsell, of Nottingham, was in the advanced stages of planning his trip to fight with terrorist group Abu Sayyaf when he was arrested last July.

Gareth James swapped underwear and naked images with the 17-year-old girl while head of the IT department at her school, Lliswerry High in Newport, South Wales (pictured).

Gareth Dack, 33, will serve a minimum term of 33 years for murdering 79-year-old Norma Bell at her home in Hartlepool. He was convicted of murder and arson following a trial at Teesside Crown Court.

Amanda Spencer, 25 and Christopher Whiteley, 23, are accused of playing key roles in gang that prayed on girls in the Sheffield area, plying them with drugs before forcing them into lewd acts.

Does this figure hold the key to missing Corrie McKeague?

Police searching for missing RAF gunner Corrie McKeague (left) have released a new CCTV image of a potential witness spotted in the area he was last seen. Mr McKeague, 23, from Fife, Scotland, vanished while on a night out with friends on September 24 in Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk. The last sighting shows him walking from a shop doorway and into a horseshoe-shaped area in Brentgovel Street, with no sign of him emerging. Suffolk Police officers combing through CCTV footage have released stills of three people who have yet to be traced. They are re-issuing some images along with a new image of one person that has now been obtained (right).

The Digital Economy Bill currently being discussed in the House of Lords could see a range of new rules imposed on social media websites.

Birds Eye packets of fish fingers have shrunk in number from 12 in a box to 10, with the fish giant blaming a rise in the cost of raw materials since the EU referendum vote.

The shocking incident took place in Leven, Scotland, yesterday with the girl suffering wounds to her eyes and mouth. Police are now searching the area for the black dog and its owner (file image).

A deal to end the Aslef dispute over driver-only trains on Southern Railway has been reached. But the misery isn't over for Londoners with more Tube strikes planned.

The singer teamed up with face-value ticket platform Twickets for his April and May concerts, but dozens of listings appeared on secondary ticketing sites offering the passes at inflated prices.

Flat where Dennis Nilsen killed escorts on sale for £500k

The flat in Muswell Hill, north London, was where Nilsen murdered a handful of male escorts before cooking their body parts and eating them. The two-bedroom home seems unremarkable, but it was the subject of a massive police investigation after reports of a strange smell coming from the drains. Officers raided the house and discovered that the odour was from rotting human remains in the house of horrors, also finding body parts in the wardrobes.

This is what £20m worth of collectible motors looks like

Scoop your chin off the floor and try to stop rubbing your eyes in disbelief - RM Sotheby's first classic car sale of the year is rammed with a bounty of automotive beauty. We feature the most exclusive, including clockwise from top left: Porsche 959 Sport, Ferrari 275GTB, OSCA MT4, Porsche 917 Spyder. Centre: Ferrari F40.

WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT: Harrowing footage shows the lions take down their prey before one latches onto her throat in Mana Pools National Park, Zimbabwe.

Max the dog got the wind in his hair, and ears, when he went for walkies in the Lake District today. The 'canine ambassador to Keswick' was captured by his owner Kerry Irving just before 'storm Doris' hits.

The dizzying footage shows James Kingston, from Southampton, exploring a Californian construction site and ascending a blue crane before he is stopped by a police officer.

Indonesian woman is forced to endure 26 lashes

The woman clutched her head in her hands after being lashed with a cane after being found guilty of having sex outside of wedlock, which is against Sharia law in Aceh, Indonesia. Pictures show how the woman was forced to kneel on the ground on the public stage in front of a mosque in Indonesia's Aceh province. Looking fearful, the man who hands out the punishment uses a cane to crack her across the back 26 times for violating the law as a crowd of people look on.

Romanian president challenges new corruption rules

The Romanian government has sparked anger after decriminalising official misconduct - despite warnings it will make corruption legal with thousands taking to the street. And the Romanian president Klaus Iohannis has confirmed he will file a challenge with the country's Constitutional Court against the new legislation. In a televised new conference he said: 'It is obviously a legal constitutional conflict between the government and the judicial system and parliament.'

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan today rebuked German Chancellor Angela Merkel for using the expression 'Islamist terrorism', saying the phrase saddened Muslims.

Ali Akbar Velayati, who is a senior adviser to Iran's most powerful man Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said the country would not yield and that US threats had been dismissed in the past.

As Nepalese cities continue to grow and the nation recovers from two earthquakes in 2015, the demand for bricks is higher than ever and kiln owners are capitalising on cheap labour.

Anwar Ali, 17, was left lying on the road for half an hour while onlookers took photos after his bicycle had collided with a bus in the Koppal district of India's Karnataka state.

Fabio Di Lello (right) handed himself in to police after gunning down Italo D'Elisa, who faced manslaughter charges for mowing down Roberta Smargiassi (left), 33, last year.

The doctor at a nursing home in the Netherlands was being probed after the death of the 80-year-old woman, who had previously expressed a desire for euthansia when 'the time was right.'



TOM UTLEY says he was utterly mortified to find that a member of his family took part in Monday night's mass demonstration and brandished a placard bearing the obscene legend: 'Trump is a c***'.

DAILY MAIL COMMENT: The legal profession should examine how Phil Shiner (pictured) got away with his corruption for all these years while it was busy attacking the Press.

Apple Tree Yard has caused controversy and divided opinion. Partly because the brooding atmosphere has alienated those looking for the usual sexy older woman romp, writes JAN MOIR.