Do not underestimate Jeremy Corbyn, pictured. Labour's Blairites lie dead and dying all over the place because they made that mistake.

When it comes to barrister Charlotte Proudman, we learn that hell hath no fury like a #fearless feminist complimented, writes RACHEL JOHNSON.

One minute Charlotte Proudman was an unknown 27-year-old barrister finishing a PhD on female genital mutilation and the law. The next she was at the centre of a global media storm, hailed a martyr by the sisterhood and a 'Feminazi' by her many detractors.

Day Two of our campaign to secure a retrial for Marine Sergeant Alexander Blackman, pictured, and the disturbing questions mount over his conviction.

When Alexander Carter-Silk took the liberty of expressing admiration for Charlotte Proudman's LinkedIn picture most normal woman would have thought 'What a nice man', writes SARAH VINE.

Campaigners for Britain's exit from the EU will be quietly pleased after yesterday's vainglorious 'State of the Union' address, in which Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker outlined his vision of Europe's future.

RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: Those in the Labour leadership election are the real face of the New Left in Britain, a rancid collection of single-issue nutcases, 'anti-austerity' mentalists and Toytown Trots.

This paper sheds no tears for British citizen Reyaad Khan and his two fellow Islamic State fighters killed by an RAF drone in Syria on August 21.

One pin-sharp image of a three-year-old boy washed up on the shoreline and we stop and shudder in collective horror, writes PIERS MORGAN.

If this stark picture graphically illustrated the tragic human cost of the tidal wave of migrants trying to enter mainland Europe, the reaction to it has been deranged, writes RICHARD LITTLEJOHN.

In the words of the Chancellor, George Osborne, there is no person who would not be appalled by the 'very distressing' picture of little Aylan Kurdi, lying lifeless on a Turkish beach.

Forget the collapse of the Chinese stock market, the iniquities of our justice system, migrant children dying on beaches. Someone has said a Bad Thing about wee Cheryl and she wants it to stop.

On Wednesday there will be yet another amendment to the royal record books. And, this time, it's the big one as Queen Elizabeth surpasses Queen Victoria's time on the throne, writes ROBERT HARDMAN.

Women are still being sold a politically correct fantasy of childbirth that, far from liberating mothers, just adds to the tremendous pressure they already feel to be perfect in every way, writes SARAH VINE.

This was a bad day for David Cameron's hopes of keeping Britain in the EU with the the scenes at a Budapest station (pictured), evacuated by Hungarian police to stop a stampede by thousands of migrants.

What if the unthinkable happened? Donald Trump becomes U.S. President and Jeremy Corbyn makes it to Number 10. Wouldn't you like to be a fly on the wall at that summit meeting?

The story of David Cameron's Wellington boots sums up all you need to know about the most headbanging, ruinously jagged fault line in British politics.

Throwing hideous light on one of the greatest humanitarian tragedies of our age, the bodies of 71 men, women and children have been discovered in an abandoned lorry on an Austrian motorway.

This week, to my huge pride and joy, I've discovered that someone has put into production a special edition of the game, under the title: Guess Who? The Utley Rules.

EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: The Bake Off Prom could be tasty viewing. Mel and Sue dancing to the Sugar Plum Fairy as saintly Mary Berry and Paul Hollywood bake would surely be a crowd-puller.

The giant fraud that is Britain's education system strides ever onwards, messing up many more lives than it improves, writes PETER HITCHENS.

The Chilcot report into the intelligence analysis, military decisions and post-battle planning over Iraq has already taken six years - and there appears to be no end in sight.

A company called Sprout has developed a pill called Addyi - instantly dubbed 'pink Viagra' - for ladies who don't fancy making love to their partners.

The Chilcot Inquiry is rapidly becoming part of the scandal it was supposed to expose. Britain's political and official classes simply cannot be trusted to investigate themselves.

Ashley Madison richly deserves its current humiliation. Having exploited matrimonial trust for commercial gain, how perfectly piquant that the company itself has now lost consumer trust.

Even now, with Jeremy Corbyn having an apparently insurmountable lead in the polls, it remains difficult for those of sober mind to picture this hard-Left socialist throwback as Leader of Her Majesty's Opposition.

Smug Tories who rejoice at Jeremy Corbyn's seeming march towards the Labour Party leadership should be careful what they wish for, writes PETER HITCHENS.

Terminal 5, Heathrow Airport, London. 

Exact date unknown.

At the airport, I encounter that Exocet on humanity - the blonde tot being pulled along by dad astride her little pink suitcase, which is made of Kryptonite, and aimed at your shins, writes Liz Jones.

Columnist Sarah Oliver on the bizarre existence of pet-nups - and whether it is something work looking into, freeloading Beatrice, the 'legacy' of London 2012, and charity's Queen of Compassion.

LONDON, ENGLAND - MARCH 09:  Queen Elizabeth II attends The Commonwealth Service at Westminster Abbey on March 9, 2015 in London, England.  (Photo by Mark Cuthbert/UK Press via Getty Images)

The discovery of a plan to unleash death, maiming and terror amid VJ Day commemorations in London demonstrates that the direct risk to this country from Islamist fanatics is real and urgent.

Yes, I know 9.3 million people watched the show when it returned on Wednesday night. But I find the Great British Bake Off BORING! Not just a tad tedious, but yawn-makingly dull.

Despite an injunction granted by Mrs Justice Laing (pictured) against naming them, the identity of the 'prominent and successful sportsman' who cheated on his future wife is known to millions.

The way people treat gulls is despicable, writes LIZ JONES. I agree with the outrage over the death of Cecil the lion, but at least he had a lovely life, which is more than can be said for our animals.

My father (an environmentalist, conservationist and one of the first jolly green giants) would always say that he'd elect to save the last pair of mountain gorillas in Congo ahead of his kids.

The police force now can't even be bothered to turn up and investigate burglaries, and its chief spokesperson openly says so, they are busy doing something else, writes PETER HITCHENS.

The French police have for weeks now simply been looking the other way as the migrants mount their nightly assaults on the British freight haulage industry, writes ANDREW ROBERTS.

Mr Cameron has put forward a list of 40 names for potential peerages - but they're likely to include party donors, failed politicians and other flunkeys and chums, writes QUENTIN LETTS.

As the Mail reports today, the latest case backed by human rights lawyers involves the farce of a dangerous Moroccan sex attacker allowed to cheat deportation to preserve his right to a family life.

If the polls are right, Jeremy Corbyn (pictured) is going to be Labour leader and Tom Watson his deputy - that's Tom and Jerry, writes political biographer STEPHEN POLLARD.

Is David Cameron, pictured, the man who will destroy freedom in order to save it? His strange, wild speech on Monday suggests that he is.

There is a glaring contrast between Clement Attlee's Labour of July 1945 and the shambolic, tragi-comical irrelevance of the party in July 2015, writes DOMINIC SANDBROOK.

The homepage of the Ashley Madison website is displayed on an iPad, in this photo illustration taken in Ottawa, Canada July 21, 2015. Canada's prim capital is suddenly focused more on the state of people's affairs than the affairs of the state. One in five Ottawa residents allegedly subscribed to adulterers' website Ashley Madison, making one of the world's coldest capitals among the hottest for extra-marital hookups - and the most vulnerable to a breach of privacy after hackers targeted the site.    REUTERS/Chris Wattie

I can't help feeling that wronged spouses often act too hastily and - dare I say it? - obsess too much about a sexual betrayal that needn't necessarily spell the end for a relationship.

Politicians react to terrorism much as parents might respond when their lisping tiny offspring come home from sex-ed classes and ask them to explain what lesbians do, writes PETER HITCHENS

When it comes to Wimbledon fortnight, I put a line through the diary - and would trample over both my grandmothers' graves to go to SW19, writes RACHEL JOHNSON.

From time to time we obtain evidence of how deeply we have failed to communicate the beliefs and values which have, over the centuries, made this such a unique society.

On Wednesday, I did something I almost never do. I stayed up late to watch a football match. Around 2.4 million Brits did the same, as it happens, cheering on the England Women's World Cup team in their semi-final with Japan.

DAILY MAIL COMMENT: George Osborne is no longer encumbered by the Liberal Democrat millstone, and will deliver the first exclusively Tory budget in 20 years from a position of huge strength.

When this country was independent, the Queen was the head of our nation, the lady to whom we are subjects, but can she still be out sovereign ad a subject of the European Union?

Today, though, having just had the worst week of my life, I yearn for a few moments' respite from the internet, after spending years in constant search of a wi-fi connection, by LIZ JONES.

The trial of former headmistress Anne Lakey made me see how blinkered my attitude that only men pose a sexual threat to children was blinkered, by RACHEL JOHNSON.

Rightly, we respond with grief and rage to the callous and savage murders of so many innocent people in Tunisia, a large number of them our fellow countrymen and women.

Fifteen years ago, after a hijacked Afghan airliner was diverted to Stansted, I invented a spoof game show called Asylum! It's been doing the rounds on the internet ever since. Here are the edited highlights:

Samuel Price and Elizabeth Sandlin weren't exactly a couple. They were a pair of attractive twentysomethings who, over the course of a year, met up now and again for sex with each other.

STEPHEN GLOVER: We awoke yesterday morning to the maddening news that the Scottish National Party government in Edinburgh is snubbing the Queen by pulling out of a deal to fund the monarchy.

What is the point of the police if wrongdoers aren't afraid of them? asks PETER HITCHENS. Yet Durham Constabulary has actually produced a poster chiding parents for using the police as bogeymen.

There are limits to the dumbing-down of the monarchy, and I hope we have reached them with the words 'the missus' over the footie, writes RACHEL JOHNSON.

JAMES FORSYTH: David Cameron is eating for Britain. He consumed 12 courses in 24 hours as he tried to persuade his fellow heads of government of Britain's case for EU reform.

Ed Miliband's notorious 'Ed stone' listing his promises on a giant slab, has turned out to be not just his own political tombstone, but the Labour Party's too, after 115 years.

The migrants who have illegally entered the Greek Island of Kos, are among thousands who have made the journey across the Mediterranean to Europe in the ever-deepening crisis.

It's been another bumper season for rollercoasters, writes CRAIG BROWN, with the phrase being used to describe everything from Katie Price's love life to 16th century politics.


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