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Summer Matters Campaign

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Women Donors Network

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Technology For Obama

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Charge Across Town

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what’s the buzz?

Maureen Blanc thinks....
Creativity, connections and flawless execution are what make PR & Company a strategic communications leader in the social impact sector. Maureen Blanc , Director, Charge Across Town
Deborah Kong thinks....
With PR & Company’s support, Early Edge California was able to successfully ‘Save Kindergarten’ for California’s youngest students. I truly value their strategy, creativity, and rapid-fire response. Deborah Kong , Early Edge California President
Rich French thinks....
Thanks to PR & Company, Raise the Roof went from an interesting idea to a meeting at the White House in less than four months. Rich French , Raise the Roof Co-Founder
Dave Boyce thinks....
If you are in the 'technology for good' space, you won't find anyone better than PR & Company. Dave Boyce , Fundly CEO
Rusty Rueff thinks....
The PR & Company team thinks big, delivers big and creates excitement, enthusiasm and excellence in all that they do. Rusty Rueff , Technology for Obama Coordinating National Co-Chair
Marty Blank thinks....
Our local leaders were energized and inspired by PR & Company's strategic communications training, and we still routinely use their communications framework to this day. Marty Blank , Coalition for Community Schools Director
Jennifer Peck thinks....
PR & Company’s ability to create and execute strategies that generate headlines and momentum is extraordinary. Jennifer Peck , Summer Matters Campaign Co-Chair and Executive Director of the Partnership for Children and Youth.
Chris Roe thinks....
PR & Company's work helped our network to shape the discourse and mobilize action of public agencies, business and industry and educational leaders across the state to advance STEM education. Chris Roe , California STEM Learning Network CEO
Colleen A. R.You thinks....
We appreciate PR & Company’s efforts to help amplify parents' voices on behalf of all students, especially on critical education issues facing our state. Colleen A. R.You , President
Donna Hall thinks....
At a time when there is a lot of shouted opinion about women and power, PR & Company has helped ensure the Women Donors Network’s communications is strategic and high-impact. Donna Hall , Women Donors Network President & CEO
Muhammed Chaudhry thinks....
In less than six weeks, PR & Company rallied thousands of educators and school administrators across California to take part in the CDE Foundation’s first-ever California STEM Symposium. Muhammed Chaudhry , Silicon Valley Education Foundation (SVEF) President and CEO

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