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Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative is a decentralized network of 30 artists committed to social, environmental, and political engagement.

With members working from the U.S., Canada, and Mexico, Justseeds operates both as a unified collaboration of similarly minded printmakers and as a loose collection of creative individuals with unique viewpoints and working methods. We believe in the transformative power of personal expression in concert with collective action. To this end, we produce collective portfolios, contribute graphics to grassroots struggles for justice, work collaboratively both in- and outside the co-op, build large sculptural installations in galleries, and wheatpaste on the streets—all while offering each other daily support as allies and friends.

Justseeds Cooperativa de Artistas es una red descentralizada de 30 artistas comprometid@s a la elaboración de gráfica y diseños que reflejan una posición política, medioambiental, y social radical. Con miembr@s trabajando en EE.UU. Canadá, y México, Justseeds opera como una colaboración de artistas gráficos y también como una colección de individu@s creativ@s, con puntos de vista y métodos de trabajo únicos. Creemos en el poder transformativo de la expresión personal en concierto con la acción colectiva. Con este fin, producimos portafolios colectivas, contribuimos con gráfica a movimientos y luchas sociales de base en su búsqueda por justicia, trabajamos de manera colaborativa dentro y fuera de la cooperativa, construimos grandes instalaciones en galerías, pegamos carteles con engrudo en las calles, mientras día a día nos ofrecemos apoyo l@s un@s a l@s otr@s como aliad@s y amig@s.

La coopérative d’artiste Justseeds est un réseau décentralisé de 30 artistes dédiés à la production d’impressions reflétant une radicalité sociale et politique. Avec des membres aux États-Unis, au Canada et au Mexique, Justseeds fonctionne à la fois comme une collaboration d’artistes graphiques à la sensibilité semblable et un rassemblement de créateurs avec des opinions et des méthodes de travail qui leur sont propres. Nous croyons à la puissance transformatrice de l’expression personnelle combinée à l’action collective. À cette fin, nous produisons des portfolios collectifs, nous offrons des œuvres graphiques à des luttes populaires pour la justice, nous travaillons collectivement au sein de la coopérative comme à l’extérieur, nous faisons de grandes installations dans des galeries et nous collons des affiches dans la rue – tout en nous soutenant chaque jour mutuellement comme alliés et amis.

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Founded in 1998, and originally the graphics distribution project of Josh MacPhee, Justseeds made the transformation into a worker-owned cooperative in 2007 – the original network being largely in place through past collaborations and friendships. In May 2010, Justseeds moved our distribution center from Portland to a new and larger base in Pittsburgh. We operate an online store and wholesale distribution center, as well as an active, multi-voice blog detailing current art and resistance projects around the world.

Fundada en 1998, originalmente como un proyecto de distribución de gráfica por Josh MacPhee, Justseeds hizo la transformación a una cooperativa de trabajadores en 2007 – siendo que la red original se conformaba en gran escala de amig@s y colaboradores. En Mayo de 2010, Justseeds mudó su centro de distribución de Portland a una nueva y mas grande base en Pittburgh. Operamos una tienda virtual, una distribución de mayoreo, y un centro de distribución; un blog activo y multi-voz detallando proyectos de resistencia y artísticos alrededor del mundo; y una pequeña galería en nuestra oficina de distribución en Pittsburgh que acentúa el trabajo de nuestr@s miembr@s.

Fondé en 1998, Justseeds était au départ l’organisme de distribution des œuvres graphiques de Josh MacPhee. Justseeds s’est ensuite transformé en coopérative de travailleurs en 2007 – le réseau d’origine s’étant formé à partir de collaborations passées et de liens d’amitié existants. En mai 2010, le centre de distribution de Justseeds a quitté Portland pour une base nouvelle et plus grande à Pittsburgh. Nous avons une boutique en ligne et un centre de distribution en gros, un blog actif alimenté par plusieurs personnes qui rapportent les projets de résistance active et artistique à travers le monde, et un petit lieu de galerie dans le bureau d’expédition de Pittsburgh qui expose le travail des membres de la coopérative.

Who We Are

Aaron Hughes, Santa Rosa, CA, United States
Alec I. Dunn, Pittsburgh, PA, United States
Bec Young, Pittsburgh, PA, United States
Chip Thomas, Navajo Nation, Arizona, United States
Chris Stain, Queens, NY, United States
Colin Matthes, Milwaukee, WI, United States
Dylan A.T. Miner, East Lansing, MI, United States
Erik Ruin, Philadelphia, PA, United States
Favianna Rodríguez, Oakland, CA, United States
Fernando Martí, San Francisco, CA, United States
Jess X Chen, Brooklyn, NY, United States
Jesse Purcell, Toronto, ON, Canada
Jesús Barraza, Oakland, CA, United States
Josh MacPhee, Brooklyn, NY, United States
Kevin Caplicki, Brooklyn, NY, United States
Kristine Virsis, Brooklyn, NY, United States
Lesly Geovanni Mendoza, Mexico City, DF, Mexico
Mary Tremonte, Toronto, ON, Canada
Mazatl, Mexico City, DF, Mexico
Melanie Cervantes, Oakland, CA, United States
Meredith Stern, Providence, RI, United States
Molly Fair, Richmond, VA, United States
Nicolas Lampert, Milwaukee, WI, United States
Paul Kjelland, Milwaukee, WI, United States
Pete Railand, Milwaukee, WI, United States
Roger Peet, Portland, OR, United States
Sanya Hyland, Mexico City, DF, Mexico
Shaun Slifer, Pittsburgh, PA, United States
Thea Gahr, McMinnville, OR, United States

Visit Us

Our distribution center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is run by artist/members Bec Young and Shaun Slifer. All member work and projects get sent here, where we package and ship orders, maintain an archive of Justseeds work, and do all that “customer service” might entail.

We will do our best to set up an appointment with you if you’re passing through Pittsburgh and would like to visit us and see our operations and archives first hand. We have flat files of all current work by Justseeds artists, including some historical posters and work by other artists and collaborators. In addition we have shelves of books and zines in stock!


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inquiries about orders, shipping, or visiting the Pittsburgh office:

inquiries about wholesale accounts and orders:

ALL other inquiries (please):


Phone (voicemail only)

(412) 275-0022



Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative

460 Melwood Ave, Suite 201

Pittsburgh PA, 15213



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Social Media

Justseeds retreat outside McMinnville Oregon, 2015

Justseeds 2014 retreat, outside McMinnville, Oregon

Justseeds 2012 retreat, Interference Archive, Brooklyn, NY

Justseeds 2010 retreat, Mess Hall, Chicago, IL

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why is the shipping so high on my order?

If your order looks like it has an enormous shipping charge, please contact us at and we’ll try to figure out a solution for you.

The highest postage rates come from the order of a single item, especially items shipped in tubes, as the total weight of packing can hover close to 1 pound (the threshold for bumping your package to USPS Priority). If you’re ordering a book and some prints, our system will assume that these will be in seperate packages, and will charge accordingly. If shipping is excessive, you can just place the order, contact us, and we’ll look into the issue and likely refund the difference.

For international shipping, even to Canada, USPS rates can also run high.

How is my art shipped?

Celebrate People’s History posters and smaller prints are shipped in heavy card stock envelopes. Prints and posters larger then 11 x 17” (28 x 43cm) are shipped in tubes – these are rolled in craft paper to hold them firmly in the middle of the tube to prevent damage. Some higher-priced prints and large orders will often be shipped flat.

Books, thick zines, and calendars will usually be shipped separately from prints and posters.

Store Policies

Payment Options

We accept Visa, Mastercard, Paypal, personal checks and money orders. American Express and Discover will route through PayPal.

Payment by Check or Money Order

If you want to order items from us, but do not have (or want to use) a credit card, you can mail us a check or money order. Just follow the same steps to complete your order online, and the site will give you an option for a check or money order as payment.

We won’t ship the order until we receive your payment by mail. We will hold inventory ordered by check or money order for 45 days – after that period, the order will be erased.

Exchanges & Refunds

We will exchange or refund you for items that arrive damaged or otherwise misrepresented on our site. Items over $15 in value will need to be returned to Justseeds in order to be exchanged or refunded. In cases of in-transit damage, we like to see pictures of the damaged packaging and items so that we can follow up with the Post Office.

Shipping & Handling

We are a small operation with three of us working part-time here, and part-time at other jobs. It may take a day or two for your order to get into the mail, and then a couple more days in transit to arrive at you.  That said, we do have someone in the office for some portion of nearly every day of the week, and we aim to make everyone happy and move as quick as we can!

Canadian and other International orders sometimes take much longer if they get hung up in customs, but please understand that we have no control over this process once we release the package.

We do endeavor to be as speedy as possible, but please be patient with our limitations until Justseeeds one day can support a full-time staff person! If there are problems with your order, contact us through or voicemail at 412.275.0022

International Shipping Policy

International customers are responsible for any import or customs fees charged by your government in addition to the shipping fees we charge. We are unable to predict which shipments will be assessed these fees, the amount that may be charged, or how long the package will be detained in customs.

Wholesale Policies

Wholesale is available to stores, infoshops and other distributors at the discretion of Justseeds.

The standard wholesale rate is a non-negotiable 40% off for all items. A few individual items may have slightly different wholesale rates (ex: a book that we can not acquire from the publisher at 40% of retail) or no wholesale rate (ex: the full set of Celebrate People’s History posters).

To set up a wholesale account, you must order a minimum of $100 worth of goods and pay up front. After the first order, there is no minimum order and you have 45 days to pay your invoice.

There is a $5 handling charge per $100 for all wholesale orders.

Sorry, we do not do consignment.

Sign up for a wholesale account

Login to a wholesale account

NOTE: Wholesale prices are not reflected on the website until an item is placed in the shopping cart. Items which are not available at wholesale will appear as standard retail price in the cart.


Burning Books
420 Connecticut St
Buffalo, NY, USA 14213
Wooden Shoe Books
704 South Street
Philadelphia, PA, USA 19147
The Big Idea Cooperative Bookstore & Cafe
4812 Liberty Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15224
Left Bank Books
92 Pike Street #B
Seattle, Washington 98101