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Now is the time for women to stand up and become active without needing to ask for permission or acceptance. This is the only way we will give back to our society and allow for Yemen to reach the great potentials it has. ~ Tawakkol Karman

Yemen, officially the Republic of Yemen, is a Middle Eastern country located on the Arabian Peninsula in Southwest Asia. The current president of Yemen is Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi.


The conditions in Yemen are very difficult. ~ Khaled Mahfoudh Bahah
  • Piety prevails today. Yemen seems in the grip of an almost feverish bout of mosque building.
    One Sanaa columnist reckons 50,000 mosques have risen across the nation, compared with 12,000 new schools.
    • Brian Barron, in "Yemen's tenuous grip on stability" BBC News (24 November 2007)
  • Women should stop being or feeling that they are part of the problem and become part of the solution. We have been marginalized for a long time, and now is the time for women to stand up and become active without needing to ask for permission or acceptance. This is the only way we will give back to our society and allow for Yemen to reach the great potentials it has.
    • Tawakkol Karman, as quoted in "Renowned activist and press freedom advocate Tawakul Karman to the Yemen Times: 'A day will come when all human rights violators pay for what they did to Yemen.'", in Yemen Times (3 November 2011)

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