Jacob Greber


Australian Financial Review economics correspondent.

Joined February 2009

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  1. retweeted

    Great photo of the snow in Oberon, NSW by ... And this guy's wearing shorts and a t-shirt

  2. The Matterhorn: one mountain, one rope -

  3. Cool graph alert! Our "tale of 3 economies" - Oz, Canada, NZ - all pointing to more rate cuts. via

  4. Bronwyn Bishop 'needs to explain' helicopter expense: Joe Hockey (of end-of-entitlement fame) via

  5. retweeted

    Hockey drops Speaker in it from a great height. Doesn't pass the sniff test. Not a good look. She needs to explain the matter.

  6. Jacob Greber followed and
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    ``We have a political culture that has the ambition of a gnat.”

  8. retweeted

    RBA on neg gearing: Tax data show incidence of property investment and the incidence of geared property investment both increase with income

  9. Hockey: I don't assume the money my wife has made is mine...

  10. Hockey says 900,000 Australians earning less than $80K negatively gear. But how much were they earning before gearing?

  11. Defence to cut subs to 8 from 12. Spending pledge (2%) forcing generals to accelerate shopping, threatening surplus

  12. RBA: There's a case for "reviewing negative gearing," in tandem with capital gains tax, super borrowing rules

  13. retweeted

    puts negative gearing on the chopping block

  14. They're killing me...they're all around Lake George...

  15. Tony Abbott lukewarm on Iran deal via

  16. aah the vacuousness of our GST debate. Apparently it's regressive (in isolation that's true) so that's the end of story.

  17. retweeted

    A good idea, but the levy should replace stamp duty, not come on top of it, and the rate vary from state to state.

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    Aussie debt the equivalent of our annual defence budget via

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    APRA tells Big Four: you can only be 16x leveraged not 17x, at some unspecified point in future. Wow watch out banks!

  20. retweeted

    It's the exact reason Athens had resisted selloffs in previous talks.

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