ATO makes applicants work hard for Early Stage Innovation Company status

The Australian Tax Office has begun accrediting 'early stage innovation companies'.
The Australian Tax Office has begun accrediting 'early stage innovation companies'. Michel O'Sullivan

One of the first startups to qualify for generous investor tax breaks as an 'early stage innovation company' has warned applicants to expect a barrage of questions from the regulator of the scheme.

Perth's Epic Delivery was granted 'early stage innovation company' (ESIC) status by the Australian Tax Office  in October, entitling its future investors to an upfront 20 per cent non-refundable tax offset (capped at $200,000 per investor per year for 'sophisticated investors' and $50,000 for other investors), as well as a 10 year capital gains tax exemption for investments held at least 12 months.

However Epic Delivery co-founder Matthew Speering urged future applicants to qualify for ESIC via the 100-point innovation test "if at all possible", as it was forced to rely on the  'principles-based innovation test' which he described as more subjective and time-consuming.

Epic used BDO, where Mr Speering works part time as an R&D; tax refund accountant, to advise on its application but it still took two months and "nine or ten emails with a stack of questions in each" to convince the case officer assigned by the ATO that it fit the ESIC definition.

"I'm sure this will improve over time as the process becomes better understood by both the regulator and the advisors," Mr Speering said.

"But if possible, I would suggest companies try and qualify via the points test as it's very cut and dried that way and an easier process to manage."

Mr Speering said Epic, which claims to home-deliver goods from any retailer up to the value of $200, scored 75 points under the 100 points test because more than half its total expenses for the previous income year were eligible notional deductions for the research and development tax incentive.

However to make up the points deficit it would have needed to issue shares to a third-party investor of at least $50,000, or joined a qualifying accelerator program, or successfully applied for a patent or a design right, or entered a commercialisation partnership with a publicly-funded research organisation.  

"All of these things involve either significant expense or a reduction in the founders' equity, so you should consider them on their own merits and not just do them to get the ESIC points," Mr Speering said.

Under the principles-based innovation test, the ATO's case officer asked the following questions of the business plan submitted by Epic Delivery. 

•             Does it have the potential for high growth?
•             Is it scalable?
•             Can it address a broader than local market?
•             Does it have a competitive advantage?

The first three should be relatively simple for most software companies to prove, said Mr Speering.

The most work went into convincing the ATO of Epic's sustainable competitive advantage.

"We were able to show them the work we'd done covering all the variables that can arise when you're delivering from any store," Mr Speering said.

"We convinced them that what we're doing is more complex than what a Deliveroo or UBER Eats are doing, which is delivering from set menus from restaurants." 

Before seeking the investors which will now qualify for ESIC tax breaks, Epic's founders are trying to grow its network of formally-signed merchants and increase orders through the site.

However Mr Speering planned to lean heavily on his ESIC status when pitching investors, confident it might bring in new angel investors in a Perth market accustomed to blue-sky risk and "slowly getting more excited by tech".

The ATO's private ruling on Epic expires on June 30, 2017 so if the startup has not signed new investors by then it would have to reapply for ESIC status.