Smart investor chart of the moment

"We see a challenging investment environment ahead with elevated risks and lower prospective returns than in previous ...
"We see a challenging investment environment ahead with elevated risks and lower prospective returns than in previous years," says Future Fund chairman Peter Costello. Paul Jeffers

For individual investors, this chart is worth a long hard look. The asset mix of the $128 billion Future Fund, managed by some of the smartest investment minds in the country, looks remarkably different to your garden-style self-managed superannuation fund.

Individual investors can't replicate the Future Fund's asset allocation because they can't get access to the same deals, but there are lessons to be learned. Consider the proportion of the portfolio that is invested in Australian equities - less than 7 per cent. That tells you something about where the Future Fund thinks that returns are going to come from - and not from our highly concentrated market dominated by banks and mining companies.

The Future Fund also has a large position in cash. This might be because some of its other investments are high risk, but Peter Costello, the chairman, pointed to an uncertain outlook for markets.

"While global equity markets have strengthened over recent months, uncertainty regarding global monetary policy and a range of geopolitical factors remains. We maintain our long held view that we see a challenging investment environment ahead with elevated risks and lower prospective returns than in previous years," Mr Costello said.