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AdMob by Google
A place for app developers everywhere to meet, share and get the latest on all things AdMob.
A place for app developers everywhere to meet, share and get the latest on all things AdMob.

AdMob by Google's posts

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Here's 4 ways you can grow your app revenue, while still keeping UX a priority with Native Ads and AdMob -

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The +Firebase team have released the Firebase +Unity SDK. To get started head over to the post -
On this week's #DevShow: A.I. Experiments, Firebase for Unity, Google Slides API and more with Timothy Jordan.

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Native is the next big thing in mobile advertising with spending on native ads expected to grow to $21 billion in 2018. This is a huge potential opportunity for developers. Here’s a quick overview of what native advertising is, and how you can get started.

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Happy #DevHumor Friday! Here's to that feeling you get when you find a solution to a bug, it works the first time and fixes 2 or 3 of your other bugs!
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Our native ads express is a quick & simple way to set up and monetize your native ads effectively. Listen to 3 developers as they share their success stories of switching to native and growing both their revenue & business.

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We asked #AndroidDevelopers from MENA to share their key tips for success in the region with #GooglePlay
Your next growth market: Realizing the potential of MENA

We know that many developers want to take advantage of growth opportunities in new regions, but are held back by not knowing the most important areas to focus on. That’s why we wanted to share stories from our partners in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and their top tips for success.

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Sometimes implementing native ads in-app can be time-consuming and complicated, but with AdMob’s native ads express, you can start implementing native ads quickly and simply.

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Enter the Indie Games Contest in Europe - now open for submissions #PlayIndie

Enter and learn more:

We’re launching the Google Play Indie Games Contest, which will reward the best indie talent from several European countries with prizes that will help you get your game noticed by industry experts and gamers worldwide.

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Happy #DevHumour Fridays everyone. Today's image reminds us to never give the end user too many options or this can happen...
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